chapter 39: that fucker

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Anisa pov:

"So I'm a Y/N?"

"Anisa this isn't time for jokes!" Aidan scolded me.

"Well so-rry! I befriended 5 new kids in my class, we became fucking good friends, People started calling me a gold digger, then Some kids in my class got killed, I found out it was you guys, then you kidnapped me, drugged me, performed a satanic ritual on me, I'm alive but I'm dead, I then found out satan and hell actually exist, you jacob burned me for a stupid fucking reason, I wasn't aloud to go outside without one of you guys, I found out all these mythical creatures exist, you guys forced me to marry you, I had to do yet Another ritual, and now you wanna tell me I'm the leader of the water clan even though it's not possible for a human to get those powers! So I'm sorry my life seems like a fucking wattpad story!"


"that's what i thought!" I sneered at them. The whole room was silent as everybody stared at me. "Why are you staring? Have you never seen an angry woman before?!" Aki just pointed behind me, looking completely in shock. Turning back I saw the whole wall behind covered in ice. Did I do that?

"Oh come on!" I yelled kicking the ice.

"Well, she's a full demon now. She already can't control her emotions" I heard damian snicker. Glaring at him he gulped. I'm so gonna cut off his dick, and then I'm gonna shove it down his throat!

"My queen" Beren said as he walked towards me. He held the familiar potion bottle with the pink liquid in it. Snatching it from his hand, I downed it in a second. Fuck this taste good, I need the recipe So I can make a whole batch of it. I don't know how I'm gonna survive with these 5 guys.

"Thanks beren" I thanked him, handing him back the bottle. I could feel myself slowly calming down as the potion did his magic. "By the way I need that recipe" I said pointing at him.

"Sure thing my queen, i'll teach you how to make it" He chuckled as he just stood there. Isn't he gonna go back to his seat? Weird elf. Trying to walk down the stairs I felt myself getting sleepy. My vision was turning blurry as my body swayed from side to side. Why am I so tired?

"Beren what's going on with her?" I could hear Aidan ask.

"I put in a sleeping potion"

'That fucker' was the last thing I thought as my vision turned black.

Jacob pov:

Great just great. How are we gonna explain this to dad? Not only did we secretly marry a girl he didn't approve of yet but she's also the leader of the water clan. If he's not gonna kill us mom is. Just before Anisa her head could hit the floor did Max catch her. Beren drugged her while giving her a calming potion. I'm grateful for it but I'll also kill him if he were to do it ever again without my permission.

We all said our goodbyes to our guest before bringing anisa to her room. Max placed her down on her bed while aki tucked her in.

"That was something" Aki sighed as he stroked anisa her cheek.

"Tell me about it. This is gonna go into the history books" Damian chuckled as he rubbed his face. "Dad is gonna kill us" He groaned.

"Lillith would be first" Max said as he sat down on the bed.

"How is it possible though? Anisa was a human" Aki asked confused. We were all confused. Only demons from the royal family can get that much power. and anisa was a human, and not even from a royal family. She was just middle class. And anisa wasn't adopted, I saw the pictured of her mom in the hospital holding a newborn Anisa.

"I don't know" Aidan sighed.

"Isn't this a good thing though? We have a strong wife right now, and now our clans are gonna be stronger then ever!" Aki said.

"If the angels find out, we're fucked. Another war would break out" Max sighed. Aki' smile turned down as he realized what max said. I hate those stupid angels. For centuries it's been a battle on who finds the person with the water powers first.

The water clan used to be part of the angels, but they decided on joining the demons. They just didn't like how the angels treated there own, and they liked how we did it better. The biggest war broke out, and it went on for years. They did manage to kill the leader of the water clan, and for years there hasn't been another one, until now. So if they find out anisa has those powers another war could happen.

"We can't hid this forever." Aidan said.

"We have to train anisa first. Train her in fighting skills, her powers, meet her clans and she's gonna have to find her protection pets." I said

"So keep her inside again? Anisa is already going nuts, she can't stay inside any longer." Damian argued.

"We have no choice" I snarled at him.

"Why not bring her back to the human world? She's safe there" Aki said.

"Angels are everywhere, they'll find her" Max sighed rubbing her face.

"Then I guess Jacobs idea is the best one" Damian groaned, letting himself fall onto a chair

"I guess it is"

a/n sorry for the short chapter, I have a huge writers block LOL. 

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