Chapter 19: souvenirs for their favorite girl (edit)

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Anisa pov:

"Anisaaaaa wakey wakey"


"Anisa wake uuuuup"

"Noooooo" finally the shaking stopped.

"Bitch wake Your ass up" and with that I felt a pillow smack me against my head with all the force of a moms slap.

"Bitch are you for real!" I said while liften my head from the pillow to just see damian smirk at me, while he was hiding the pillow behind his back. As if I couldn't see the fucking thing.

"It's breakfast time, so get up" he grinned at me.

"I don't even fucking eat breakfast! You know that!" I yelled in my pillow.

"To bad sweet cheeks, come on they have pancakes with nutella" this made me shoot up from bed to get dressed. I don't like breakfast, but pancakes! You can always wake me up for those.

Getting dressed I decided on wearing some ripped jeans with a plain black shirt, and my Mickey ears of course. After doing my morning routine I walk to the hallway were Damian is waiting for me. Walking to the restaurant I see the rest of the brothers waiting for us at the table. "Took you long enough" max said annoyed.

"Well this girl needs her beauty sleep, and by the looks of it you didn't have yours" I said while going to get some food. I just grabbed some pancakes with Nutella, I can't stomach a lot in the morning so this will do. Also grabbing a glass of orange juice I head back to the tabel. Sitting down I start to eat my pancakes. The guys soon joined me. After breakfast we went back to the park.

"So what park first?" Jacob asked.

"Magic kingdom" aki yelled. We all agreed so we went there first. Walking through Main Street we decided to look inside the stores first. Looking around I start to look at merch that I want to buy. I saw a lot of cute things but nothing that said 'YES BUY IT YOU BITCH!'. Walking around the plushie section I stop and freeze. There it was, this big, blue, cute ass stitch plushie that needs a new home, aka ME! Grabbing the plushie I start to stroke it, omg it's so fluffy I'm gonna die!

"Are you gonna buy it?" I hear Aidan say behind me. Looking at him I shook my head.

"Nah Not today, tomorrow. Otherwise I have to Carry it the whole day" putting the plushie back I start to look further. That's already one thing on my list.

Aidan pov

Looking around the store I saw some things I wanted to buy. Like there was this coco inspired mug that I really want for my tea.I looked up to see anisa standing at the plushie section holding one. Walking up to her is see it's a stitch plushie. She has this big, beautiful smile on her face while she was staring at the plush. I wish that smile was for me.

"Are you gonna buy it?" This made her turn around to look at me.

"Nah not today,tomorrow. Otherwise I have to carry it the whole day" and with that she put it back on the shelf and looked further. I grabbed the plushie and walked to the register. I'm gonna buy this for her, she looked so happy holding it. Hopefully she'll give me that big smile when I give it to the register I asked them to bring it to the hotel. I wasn't gonna carry it cause that would look suspicious, I wanted it to be a surprise.

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