Chapter 37: cheese souffle (edit)

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Anisa pov:

"Aki Thats like my third slice of cake, I can't anymore" I groaned as I pushed away the cake. Aki has been feeding me that wedding cake non stop. He won't let me eat anything else except that fucking cake.

"Cant I have one of those eclairs?" I asked him. He shook his head no, holding the fork to my mouth again. "Why not?" I whined.

"Cause this cake stand for that we are married, those other things are so basic" he said. Makes no fucking sense.

"But they are still from our wedding" I argued.

"But they don't symbolize it. Now eat the cake"

"My king, I think our queen has enough cake. You don't want her to be full before dinner starts?" A voice said. A man with a long grey robe came walking to us with a long staff with a grey diamond. Kinda like Gandalf but without the hat.

"I guess you're right" Aki said putting the cake away. Yes thank you man I've never seen before! "Anisa, this is Gandalf, king of the witches and warlocks" I couldn't keep in my laughter as I heard his name

"I'm so sorry Gandalf" I said in between giggles.

"No worries my queen. I know I look and have the same name as that one guy from lord of the rings" he smiled at me.

"Again I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to offend you" I apologized.

"I'm actually glad you said that, nobody ever knows the reference. Finally a fellow lord of the rings fan" he winked at me.

"Well you're better than Gandalf" I smiled at him.

"I could never compete against his meme" he dramatically said, doing the meme.We both laughed, as aki was looking proud. I guess he's proud that I'm getting along with the leader of one of his clans.

"Well I'll leave you to, nice to meet you my queen" Gandalf said,while bowing

"Nice to meet you to" I bowed back.

"I'm happy you two get along" Aki smiled, taking a sip from his drink.

"He's nice" I responded, grabbing a cheese souffle. I was just about to grab it when aki gently slapped my hand. "What's that for?"

"Dinner is about to begin, so no more snacks" He said, putting the souffles far away from me.

"you just fed me 3 slices of cake! The least you could give me is something different" I pouted.

"Dinner will be different" He grinned, kissing my cheek. ugh stop kissing me. Crossing my arms, I leaned back into my chair. Looking back at aki he was happily eating the souffle.

"Why are you eating it!?"

"Cause I didn't eat so much cake" He said with his mouth full.

"Not fair! You fed me them!" I whined. Stupid demon! Stupid stupid stupid demon! I'm passionate about food okay! Like I've been eyeing those souffles all evening, but I couldn't even taste them cause aki kept on shoving cake into my mouth. Smelling the scent of cheese really close to me, I looked down to see a fork with souffle on it in front of my mouth.

"Well? You want to taste it or not?" Aki asked. Quickly putting the fork in my mouth I moaned in delight. Holy shit, they taste even better then how they look! Perfect amount of cheese and fluffyness. "Is it good?"

"Yes, really good" I smiled, happily munching on the snack. Opening my mouth again, I waited for another bite. But it never came. Aki looked confused at me as he eat his souffle. The snack was slowly dissapearing in front of me, while aki enjoyed it.

"Can I please have another taste?"

"If you give me a kiss" Yeah fuck that. I'd rather not eat the delicious treat then. I'm not giving him a kiss for another bite. He can suck it. "then not" He shrugged.

"Max!" I said as he walked past me. he looked at me, smiling as he sat next to me.

"Is something wrong?" He asked me.

"Yeah. can you grab one of those cheese souffles? I can't reach them" I asked giving him some puppy dog eyes. He nodded, as he grabbed one for me. "Thank you" I said, as I happily munched on the treat.

"Hey, didn't I tell you no more snacks before dinner?" Aki said as he tried to take away the treat. I held it away from him, as I continued eating it.

"You didn't tell me that anisa" Max grinned at me, snatching the bowl out of my hand.

"Cause aki is being unfair! He fed me three slices of cake and now he won't let me eat anything else!" I whined.

"Well that's unfair yeah. Here" Max smiled as he gave me it back. Thanking him, I stuck my tongue out at aki. I'm a child, sue me.

"And, what do you think of being married to us?" Max asked, putting his arm on my chair.

"I fucking hate you guys. I didn't want this, you basically forced me" I said not looking at them.

"You drank that blood without a fuss" max said

"Cause you threatened me if I didn't" I argued. They are acting like I'm willingly here, when they in fact kidnapped me. They turned me into a demon against my will, and now they married me, AGAINST MY WILL.

"And now you have a beautiful wedding that every girl dreams of" Jacob said, intervening with the conversation. He sat next to aki, leaning on his hands.

"Yeah cause girls love to get forced to marry a guy they don't love" I muttered.

"Let's stop arguing please. It's a wedding" Aidan sighed, as he sat at the table as well. are they all joining the conversation? Like damian where are you.

"Exactly, we should celebrate!" Damian cheered. Speak of the devil.

"Either way, we have good news for you" Damian smiled as he said in front of me

"And that is?"

"You're getting your power today"

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