Chapter 9: dinner with the guys (edit)

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Anisa pov:

"That ending fucking sucked donkey dick" I said to myself after finishing a wattpad story. I was of course 20 minutes earlier at school then my friends , so I ended up reading some wattpad.

"What sucked donkey dick?"

"Oh hey Sophie, I was reading a wattpad story, you know, yandere" I said with a smirk, wiggling my eyebrows

"Oooh do continue" Sophie Saïd while giving me a smirk back. You see Sophie is a girl of culture, she also reads yandere story's. But not as much as me hehe. I'm obsessed with yandere story's.

"Well it were the last chapters, you know the one were you can pick the guy" Sophie nodded as an response. "And me of course, I read them all. Well the guys literally kills the other guys, like why can't they stay friends? Or better everybody dates the flipping girl!" I said dramatically.

"Nah ah why kills the rest of the hot guys. The disrespect of the author" Sophie said back dramatically.

"Exactly you get me sista" we started talking about other things when all of a sudden I feel someone breathing down ma neck.

"We are gonna pay for your dinner missy"


Looking around I saw Damian smirking at me. That motherfucker. I seriously wanna kill this dude no cap.

"Damian I swear to god you fucking asshole" I said while punching him in the chest.

"I still stand by what I said" he said back while rubbing his chest.

"We agree"

Look back I see the rest of the guys glaring at me. Did I do something? Why the hell afz they glaring at me?

"don't think we forgot you logging of after saying you're gonna pay for you own meal"

Oh that's what I did. Hehehe suckers

"Yeah and what about it. You guys already payed for Disneyland. your not gonna pay for dinner" I said while crossing my arms.

"We invited you, so we're gonna pay" Jacob said sternly at me

"Okay first off all, No I'm gonna pay, and second of all stop acting like a dad your not my dad"

"The hell you mean with acting like a dad?" He said in disgust.

"Jacob I don't know if you notice but you sometimes put this voice on and it makes you act like a dad. Now I know I have daddyissues, but that doesn't mean you can act like a dad to me buddy"

"I don't put on a dad voi- wait daddy issues?" Jacob said with an confused look

"Out of all of that you only picked that up" I face palmed.

"Oeh I like a girl with daddy issues, sprinkle some spice in my life" Damian said while doing the salt bae move.

"It might be to spicy for you buddy" I said back to Damian while wiggling my eyebrows

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