chapter 63: halloween party

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anisa pov:

"Fuck! I'm not in costume! and the guest are coming in 5 minutes! I'll never be done in time" Damian yelled in a panic. His breathing quickened, as he gripped at his hair.

"Damian calm down. All you need to do is put on your costume, you have plently enough time" I told him.

"Enough time!? Anisa, I still need to put on my costume, style my hair and let's not forget some make up okay! The stress of planning this party is giving me wrinkles." He whined."Everything got to be perfect" He whispered holding his head down.

"Jacob can you welcome the guests? Tell them me and damian will arrive a bit later" I told him. He smiled at me, giving me a kiss on the forehead. Taking damians hand I pulled him towards his room.

"Anisa I will never be ready in time" Damian whined as I pushed his costume in his hands.

"We don't have to be on time. We can come a little later. Nobody would mind, at least I hope" I whispered the last part. I sure hope nobody minds. That would be really annoying. At least the mermaids aren't here anymore, they would've commented on it.

"Anisa I don't know. Maybe it's better for me to skip this party."

"Damian don't be stupid. Now go and put on your costume, I'll get all the stuff for your hair" I told him. he huffed, as he slowly started to undress with a pout. I had to keep myself from staring at him while he was getting changed. he's just so sexy.

"Goddammit!" I heard damian yell. Quickly turning around I saw him struggling with his belt. "That's it! This has to be a sign that I shouldn't go!" Quickly walking over to him I gently took his hands.

"Let me do it" I said. he squeezed my hands, nodding. Doing his belt I fiixed the rest of his pants.

"Damian you really gotta calm down. You're making a fuss over nothing" I told him.

"This is not nothing anisa! You wouldn't even understand" He scoffed

"Damian why is this party so important to you? you hold this party 3-4 times a year" I asked him.

"*sigh* it was my mother's favorite holiday. It was the only times in the year where we would hang out with each other. if you think I'm bad with organizing this you're wrong." He laughed. "Once, the vampire king didn't like how the cake looked like so she threw the whole cake in his face. We still talked about it years later"

"Your mom sounds nice" I said while working on his hair.

"She was with moments" He sighed. "Very rare moments"

"Can I ask, how did she die? If you don't wanna tell me you don't have to!" I quickly said.

"No it's okay. she died in a battle against the angels. oh well, her problem. If she just listened to me she wouldn't have died"

"What do you mean?"

"before she went to battle we got into a fight. I didn't trust it for some reason and I pleaded her not to go. She didn't listen. She just told me 'a good leader dies with her people'. In the attack she was ambushed. But it's good she's dead." he shrugged.

"Damian, she's still your mother"

"anisa she wasn't a good mom. She went and fucked dad eventhough she knew he was dating lillith. When elisabeth came into the picture she bullied her together with lillith. She was never there for me and when she was, we argued. you gotta remember, she was best friends with lillith. They were pratically the same. Only difference is that she actually cared for me. Even if she didn't show it"

"I'm sorry" I apologized

"Don't be, you didn't know her. And besides, elisabeth was my true mother. She took care of all 5 of us. And she was the best mom out there" he said with a smile, looking at his bedside table. On the table was a picture of him with his brothers and elisabeth. They all looked so happy there.

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