Chapter 20: last day in disney (edit)

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Anisa pov:

"No I don't wanna go home today!" Aki started whining at breakfast. It's been like this since this morning. He woke up and decided to start whining like a little kid. We still have a whole flipping day and he's already complaining that he doesn't wanna go home.

"Aki it's to early for this" I said while shoving a piece of bacon in my mouth.

"It's never to early to start complaining about leaving this amazing place!" He said while angrily shoving a waffle in his mouth.

"You know you can go to other amusement parks right? like the Efteling in the netherlands" he looked at me wide eyed, his complaining finally stopping. He continued eating his waffle in complete silence.

"Finally! Thanks anisa" Damian said while kissing my forehead.

"So Whats on the planning today? We did almost everything" max asked us. Since he told me that he approved of me last night, he's being way more nice. I like this max better, he's joking a lot more with me which is better then him cursing my ass off.

"We could just do the rides we like, we don't have to do all those extra rides" Aidan said and we all agreed.

"Also I need to buy me some souvenirs" I said. I mean duh we are in Disney. I need some souvenirs. And I still need to buy things for aki and max. I've already bought things for Jacob, Aidan and Damian.

How you may ask. I bought some Tsum tsum yesterday, and I hid their stuff in the bag. And then shoved them as quick as possible in my suitcase in the hotel room. I bought Aidan the coco mug he wanted for his tea. I bought Damian a Chewbacca mask that makes noise. And for Jacob I got a replica of Thor's hammer. So now my mission is finding something for max. I know what I want for aki, a remy plushie. But max is a bit harder.

After breakfast we packed our bags and put them in the car. After that we went to the park. We did all the rides we wanted in the Hollywood studios so we went back to magic kingdom. In the Hollywood studios I bought the plushie for aki. So now I'm looking something beauty and the beast for max.


Shit shit shit! I still haven't found anything for max yet. And it's almost time to go home. "Come on anisa we have to find the best places for the fireworks" aki said while pulling my arm. No no I can't go yet I need something for max First. Well technically I've already bought him something, aka the ears but I want something extra. Looking at the displays I see something in the corner of my eyes. OMG that's perfect!

"Aki you know what, I've seen something I really want, so I'm gonna buy it. You go find a seat with the guys I'm gonna buy it real quick" I said while pulling my arm away.

"Oh why didn't you say so, come on I'll buy it for you" he said while walking to the store.

"No! No that's not necessary, besides you guys promised only to buy one thing" I said with a akward smile.

"Fine, but be quick. wouldn't want to miss the fireworks" and with that he ran away. Walking to the store I try to find the thing I wanted. Finally finding it I pay for it. Looking at the time i see that I only have 3 minutes left before the fireworks begin. SHIT! Frantically running while trying to find the guys I see aki bright white hair. Thank god for the white hair!

Walking up to them I started panting like crazy. Me and running don't go together. "Jezus what the hell did you do?" Max laughed.

"One word... running" I said while still panting.

"Come on the show is about to start" I looked for a place, but the bench was only big enough for 5 people, oh well, only one thing to do. I jumped on Max's lap.

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