Chapter 16: Human what now? (Edit)

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Anisa pov:

"Girl have you've ever wondered how human flesh taste like?" Sophie asked me out of nowhere. slowly looking at her, i started blinking profusely.

"The fuck did you just say?" I asked, not fully processing what she just asked me.

"Yeah have you never wonde- Hey don't walk away from me!" she yelled after me while I started walking faster to class. She started running after me which made me run. Running to class I bumped into a wall. Well I thought it was a wall but it was just Max being a literal giant!

"Why are you running?" Max asked me.

"Why are you running!" Damian yelled, quoting the vine. As he should!

"Sophie was asking me a weird ass question, so I ran." I told them out of breath. Why is running so exhausting?

"What was she asking" Aki said from beside me, which made me yelp.

"Anisa the fucking audacity of running away from me, no bitch I can't!" She said dramatically.

"Because you're asking me weird as fuck questions you bitch!" I said while dramatically waving my arms.

"It was a normal question!" she yelled, making everybody stare at us.

"Well then we'll be the judge of that, what was the question" Aidan said trying to stop the yelling. Giving Aidan a 'don't do it' look, he just waved it off.

"Well I asked her how human flesh would taste like" Sophie said like it was the most normal fucking question in the world. This made the guys stare at her with wide eyes. See! like what the fuck even is that question?! It's like asking if it's weird to simp over ryuk from death note, answer YES!!

"Let's just go inside the classroom yeah?" Jacob said while quickly walking inside. We all walked inside faster then the flash, leaving Sophie in the hallway. Walking inside we see that our teacher is not here yet. So me and the guys just relaxed before class begone. Sitting on Damian's lap we just started talking about drunk Jacob. 

"I wasn't that drunk you guys!" Jacob started whining beside us. this made us all look at each other.

"I belief I can fly!! I belief I can touch the sky"

"Aidan hold me like jungkook in that video!!"

"Peaches and cream!!"

"Rap monster fuck me with that line!!"

"Nareul budeureopge jugyeojwo!"

Damian, Max and I started doing impressions of drunk Jacob, Which made Aki and Aidan laugh  their asses of. This made Jacob even more embarrassed, especially after we showed him the video I made of him. We still laughed after a good minute when all of a sudden the guys stopped laughing. Looking confused I see them all basically fuming with anger.

Who the hell pissed in their cheerios?

"Mind your own fucking business, can't a girl and a guy be close friends or what?! It's not because you're touch deprived that you can talk shit about other people getting hugs! Jealous much?" Max started yelling at Julia. You know like that every class has that one major bitch? Well Julia is that one in my class, so I'm not surprised she was talking shit behind my back. But what the hell did she even say. Detective Anisa in action!!

"What did she say?" I asked.

"She was just saying that you're being way more touchy with us, compared to before. She was basically implying that you're a slut" Aidan said in my ear 'cause Julia was yelling back at Max telling him not the eavesdrop on her conversation.

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