Chapter 21: rumors (edit)

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Sophie pov:

This fucking bitch!

Not only did she went to Disneyland with these 5 hot ass guys, but she's leaving me alone at school today! I mean there is still Mirthe, but that's not the point! Like for real the audacity of this bitch.

Walking to class I get a text from Aidan asking if I could tell the teachers that we are not coming. Great, now I have to tell the teacher, lovely! Arriving at my class I take my seat. my teacher isn't here yet so I'm just gonna read some wattpad.

"Hello class" my teacher said. Putting my phone away, I hear her calling our names to see if we are at school. When she got to anisa and the guys their names I told her that they aren't coming to school.

"Do you know why Sophie?" She asked me

"They went on a 3 day trip to Disney, they got home really late so they stayed home for today" I said,  I mean Aidan asked me so.

"Okay that's understandable, I hope they had a good time"

"Wauw what a reason to stay at home. If we did this they would be super mad at us."Julia said. This bitch I swear. she would do the same fucking thing, but when somebody else does it it's a problem. Like bitch make up your damn mind.

"Yeah, have you seen damians Instagram story?" Senna said back. Oh is there some tea? Let me get comfortable to eavesdrop shall we.

"No what was it?"

"It was anisa sleeping in bed with max and aki cuddling them. And beside them were the rest"

"So they were all sleeping in one bed?"

"Yeah, and that's not all. She slept with them all those days, everyday she slept between 2 other guys!"

"Gosh slutty much. She definitly had an orgy"

"Do you think she actually slept with them though?"

"Wouldn't surprise me, she's been acting like a slut and golddigger since she met them"

"Wait, is she a gold digger?"

"Well Duh! Why else did she befriend them that fast? She's only doing it for the money. I mean look, she went to Disney for 3 days with them"

"That's so not okay"

"Wait what! anisa had sex with all 5 of them!?" Shit the guys of our class are getting involved.

"Yeah she probably did, I mean come on. She was 3 days away with them, sleeping in the same bed. And now they are skipping school togheter. They totally hooked up" Julia said with this big grin.

"Did you now they are all like trillionairs? They are like crazy rich!" Senna said.

"Omg really!? That just shows you that anisa is just friends with them because of their money. I mean come on isn't it weird that she befriended them so fast?" Julia said while laughing.

"Damn she's a golddigger" Rik. A real dick in my class said while laughing.

Can the gods just kill those two please, like fuck. Since when can't boys and girls be close friends. Like my best friend is a guy and we are super close. That doesn't mean I've had sex with him. I mean he's gay as fuck but still.

Grabbing my phone I start to text anisa about this situation. I mean she has the right to now.

Me: Hey bitch don't know if you are already awake but there is a rumor going around that you've had sex with the guys😒. They are also calling you a golddigger because you are friend with themJust wanted to let you know.

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