chapter 72: how evil are you?

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Anisa pov:

"There's something sweet, and almost kind. But he was mean, and he was coarse and unrefined"

"Cause he was a dick! A hairy dick!" Tommy yelled at the tv screen after max was singing the song

"Tommy language! I did not raise you like this!" Charlotte scolded him. I couldn't help but laugh. Max hasn't stop singing all through the movie. Every song he knows by heart. Tommy got super hyper by the amount of sugar, and cursed at everything he saw, which made charlotte snappy. 

Satan couldn't stop snuggling into charlotte's side, glancing at his wife every now and then. I just snuggled up into aki's side, which was a bit hard cause his pygmy puff rose kept on booping herself against me. and that fluff was very ticklish. 

"Do we really have to watch this movie? can't we watch the purge or something? Or halloween?" Satan groaned, hearing the new song play. 

"Tommy is 10!" Charlotte shrieked. 

"He's a prince of hell! He should be able to watch those movies!" Satan shrieked back

"I will not have him have nightmares!" Charlotte huffed

"Oh come on babe. He can handle it" Satan pouted

"Well then, if he has nightmares then he'll sleep in our bed. and no sexy time then" Charlotte smirked, crossing her arms

"WHAT!? I just got you back! You can't do this to me baby. Please don't!" Satan whined, hugging charlotte by the waist.  "Fine, no horror movie then!" Charlotte just patted his head, her smirk not leaving. she has satan wrapped around her finger. 

and I love it

"Anisa can pick the next movie" Jacob said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "So, what movie?"

"uhm? how about the vampire assistant?" I asked

"You and vampires. It's a good thing they aren't part of your clan" Max groaned, rubbing his face

"I love vampire movies okay! no need to be a hater" I huffed, crossing my arms. 

"well I'm not a hater, baby" Damian said, kissing my hand

"That's because vampires are part of your clan you idiot sandwich!" Max yelled at him. This resulted in a verbal fight between the two. Max couldn't stop throwing gordon ramsey insults at damian, which got damian furious cause he used the curse words of a 'god'. 

"Well this was something I didn't miss" I could hear charlotte chuckle. The entire night I saw charlotte smile. Not once did her smile drop. She's glad to be back with her family, and I can understand. I mean she was trapped in that ice block for years. I can't imagine how it was. 

"My kings! My kings!" The door slammed open, sebastian standing there. Why is he in such a rush? It's not like we planned a party that we need to get ready for. 

"What's wrong?" Aidan asked him

"We received a letter from the angels. they've declared war against us"


"Why would they want a war!?" 

"Are we gonna fight?"

"what about our people!?" 

so many people were yelling though each other, making me have a headache. After we received the letter, we called over all the clans for a meeting. some were silent, some were fuming, others were trying to be reasonable. It was utter chaos. 

"SILENCE!" Jacob yelled. The entire room was quiet within seconds. "Now, let's talk about this like civil people thank you."

"I bet this is the werewolfs doing!" the fairies yelled, pointing at Hunter who froze

"We didn't do shit! Do you really think that we would still work together with the angels after all the abuse we got from them!? Cause then you're delusional!" Hunter yelled at them. 

"Just admit it you fucking traitor"

"Stop it!" I yelled, Ice spikes coming from the floor. "the werewolfs didn't do anything! We have damians clan spying on everybody from hell just to make sure that there is no communicating with the angels. The wolfs are already with low numbers, we would've noticed. Now instead of blaming others, let's talk about how we're gonna deal with this" I said.

"Why do they want war? we haven't had a war in centuries" the hellhounds asked

"Since charlotte came back, they're scared that satan is getting stronger" Jacob explained. "Charlotte makes him stronger, they're scared of that. hell has more power now" Jacob continued

"How so? How much more power do we have compared to them?" the incubus leader asked.

"We have more clans then them. We have all the leaders of all the elements. They have been scared ever since they found out we have anisa on our side. We got married, meaning all the clans are united. And now satan has found his one true love, he's stronger then ever now. They don't want us to become stronger then we already are, so they want to strike now. " Aidan said, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

"But that means we can win this? This should be a piece of cake then" the leader of the dwarfs laughed, holding his beer up in the air

"not really. Yes we have more clans, but they have bigger numbers. The angels are always known to play dirty. playing on our weaknesses" Max said, clenching his hand

"Okay, so let's start strategy" Aidan started. While they were doing that I went to go grab a drink from the bar. Grabbing a bottle I felt a presence behind me. Quickly turning around, I saw charlotte smiling at me

"Sorry if I startled you" She said

"No it's okay" I waved it off, fumbling with my glass

"How are you feeling? I can tell this whole war thing is bothering you" She asked me, laying her hand on my shoulder

"nervous. I've never witnessed a war, let alone be in one. I had one fight with angels before but the guys came in to save the day. I don't know if I can do this" I said, with a nervous laugh

"Well I can say I've witnessed a lot of them. All of them just as horrible as the other one. But I know you'll do good. You're a good leader" She said

"I just don't want to disappoint my people. And I don't want them to die for a mistake I made" Quickly taking a sip of my drink to hide the fact that I was about to cry, I looked anywhere besides charlotte's eyes. I know If I looked at her I would burst into tears. 

"Honey, if you're really scared you can always stay behind in the castle with me protecting the kids and elderly" She said

"No, no! If we fight, I'll fight with my people. Not saying that what you do isn't good, but I need to be there with them" I said determent. "A clan leader stays with their clan, even if it's a fucking suicide mission"

"Spoken like a true leader of hell" She smiled. "Come on, let's see what they've come up with."

"What's up with angels sending a letter? Doesn't that like alert us, and makes us more prepared?" I asked charlotte as we walked back to our seat

"Angels will be angels I guess." She shrugged. "Always so polite. I would've strike them in the ass when they would've least expected." She said with an evil smirk

"I sometimes wonder in what level of evilness you are you know. So sweet, but the things you say scare me sometimes" I said taking another nervous sip, this time out of fear for the lady

"Good" She laughed. Yeah let's run back to my seat.

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