chapter 6: my brothers want to meet you (edit)

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Anisa pov:

"What do you think the fight was about?" Sophie asked me.

"I have no clue" I said. I was curious as well. During break I was just texting Aki when all of a sudden he stopped texting. 5 minutes later we hear him yelling at his brother, ending up in a big argument. I think everybody heard it. But what the argument was about I have no clue.

Walking to class I hear people talking about the argument all around me. Some were saying they were talking about a girl, others were telling something about a queen. But I don't believe the queen one, that seems far fetched. All I know is that I'm not gonna ask cause it's none of my business.

Entering my classroom I take a seat at my usual spot. A minute later Aki sits next to me at his spot. He looked at me and smiled, only the smile looked a bit forced. The argument was bad looking at the way hes behaving.


Class was finally over and it was lunch time. Putting my stuff in my bag I proceeded to walk to my friends when I felt someone grab my arm. Looking at the person I see that it was Aki.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Uhm I-I was wondering if uhm, I could eat lunch with you and your friends?" He asked really quietly. Damn the fight must have been bad if he didn't even want to eat with his brothers.

"Oh yeah sure, do you need to tell your brothers first?"

"NO! I uh I mean no it's not necessary they already know" he rubbed his neck awkwardly.

"If you say so, let's go" continuing to walk to my friends, I feel Aki grabbing my hand and squeezing it. Looking at Aki he had is head down, this really affected him a lot. Squeezing his hand back we continued to walk to our eating spot.

"Oh hey Aki, didn't know you were eating with us" Mirthe said.

"Yeah sorry, had a argument with Max, and I didn't feel like eating with him" He said sadly.  Even though he's sad  I'm kinda proud of him. His Dutch is getting better with the day. He's already able to have a small conversation with us.

"It's okay we don't mind as long as I can look at the T boys I'm good"

"T boys?" Aki asked me.

"Boys from the school next to us. During lunch she always looks at the boys, looking at who is the most handsome, In her eyes though" I said while me and Sophie started laughing.

Mirthe always wanted to look at one specific boy, she had a crush on him. But she didn't want a relationship with him cause he is one year younger then us, and she finds that"weird".

"Oh okay" Aki said.

We walked to our spot when Aki got a phone call. It were his brothers asking where he was. I thought he told them, apparently not. Sitting on the bench I started grabbing my food out of my bag, my friends doing the same thing. Aki just sat there looking awkwardly.

"Aren't you gonna grab your food Aki?" I asked him.

"I didn't bring food, I didn't expect the argument so I don't have anything" he said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Here you can have some of mine I'm not that hungry" I offered him a piece of my sandwich.

"No I can't do that, it's yours. I'll wait until I'm home" He said while waving his hands frantically.

"Aki take the sandwich, I have a bag of chips as snack so I'm gonna be full" I said while taking the bag out of my bag. Fucking lie, I will still be hungry. But the guy doesn't have any food with him. And me being the nice bitch that I am, I gave him a piece.

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