Chapter 26: turned into a ... (edit)

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Anisa pov:

Where am I?

What happened?

All I remember was being kidnapped by the guys. And then aidan did some weird magic trick. And then it turned black.

Did they drug me?

Opening my eyes, I saw an unfamiliar ceiling. It was deep red, with black accents. where the hell am I? In the background I heard somebody chant something in an unfamiliar language. Looking to me left I saw the guys all staring at me with a smirk. On the floor is saw these weird white lines underneath me. Sitting up, I saw it was a pentagram.

"What the hell!?" Standing up I tried to run out of it, but was stopped by a weird barrier. Basically I couldn't leave this fucking pentagram. why is there a barrier? How is this even possible? I don't like this, I really don't like this

"Ah you're awake" Jacob smiled, clapping his hands.

"What the hell is going on?!" I yelled, tears forming in my eyes. They are doing some weird fucked up ritual on me, and I don't know what will happen once it's finished.

"Oh just a small ritual" Damian said nonchalant.

"Ah ritual for what!?" I yelled in frustration. Just fucking tell me already.

"To turn you INTO one of us. You see dear anisa of ours. We are demons" excuse me what? This has to be a joke. there is no way this is real. This must be a dream. The second I'm awake I'll be laying in my bed in my way to busy uncleaned room. 


"Yup, and not just any demons. No we are the princes of hell. Aka lillith and lucifers sons." Aidan explained. So I've been friends with demon princes?! Why is my life turning into a wattpad story!?

"Why do you need me?" I shivered.

"Duh, we need a queen! And you are the perfect one" Aki smiled brightly. I know I had fantasies about this, but I don't want it to happen in real life!! I didn't even know this was possible in real life!

"I-I don't want this! Let me go!" I banged on the barrier.

"Sorry babe, but you got no say in this" Damian said, lifting my chin up with his finger. So they can come in the barrier, but i can't get out. Great.

I was about to yell something, when I felt this burning feeling in my chest. It felt like there was fire burning inside of me. And it hurts like a bitch! Falling to the ground, the burning feeling turned into a sharp pain. Like you were being stabbed over and over.

"What the hell is happening!?" I cried, yelling.

"The transformation is working" Jacob smiled, making me shiver.

Another sharp pain then hit me, making me scream in pain. I couldn't stop screaming because of the pain, there was no end to it. I want it to stop!

"Please make it stop! PLEASE!"

3de pov:

The guys all looked with pity towards the girl in pain. They wanted to help but they can't, the ritual needed to be completed. Her screams got worse, the longer the ritual was going. it pained them to hurt her, but this was necessary

"Please make it stop, please!" She yelled in between sobs and yells of pains.

"I can't take it anymore, stop the ritual!" The white haired demon yelled. The man chanting didn't stop, making Aki Shake in anger.

"I am your prince! Stop this ritual!" Aki demanded

"Aki stop! This ritual needs to be done. She can't come into hell if she's not a demon" Jacob argued with him. anisa can't come into hell if she's not dead. If she were to go as a human she would go up in flames. 

"But she's in pain!" He yelled in frustration. The boys knew that she's in pain. Her body is slowly dying, and new power is seeping into her. She's also growing wings making it even more painful.

"P-please, please" the girl could barely breathe because of the pain. It took everything in her not to pass out, or to give up. she longed for death, she just couldn't take it anymore. But she wasn't giving up. She had to go back to her mom, she's all she had. She did not wanna leave her mom

Aki went to sit at the edge of the pentagram, whispering sweet nothing towards the girl. The blond haired demon couldn't even look at the girl in pain, he just turned away, trying to tune out her screams in agony. he loves the idea of having her by his side as his queen. But he did not want to hurt her. he could only hope she would forgive him.

"Just a little longer anisa, you can do it" Aki whispered towards the girl. She then turned to Aki, and glared.

"F-fuck... y-you!"

"How much longer of this shit?! I can't take this anymore, she'll die if this continues!" Damian yelled, after not being able to tune out her screams.

As on que, Anisa's body lifted up in the air. Black orbs floating around her. Black wings then sprouted out of her back, making the boys look in awe at the girl in her demon form. she looked even more beautifull now that she's one of them. her hair became shinier. her wings were beautifull. Her eyes turned more vibrant, and skin became clearer. 

The chanting stopped making her body fall to the ground. Max quickly ran to her, catching her before she touched the ground. The girl passed out from the pain, making her fall limp in max his embrace.

"Thanks maximus, you may leave" Jacob said to the guy. He bowed before leaving.

"I wonder what her power is gonna be" aki said, stroking the cheek of sleeping anisa. he couldn't stop looking at her face. She was finally his now, and nobody could change that.

"She's not aloud to have her power yet, not until we can fully trust her" Aidan quickly said.

"Why not! Having a power is the best feeling in the world" Damian argued.

"If she has her power, that means she can make portals, making her able to escape. And what if she overpowers us with her power!?"

"She can never overpower us! We are to powerful for that!" Damian yelled.

All five of them had unique powers. They are the heir to the throne, making them the leader of a clan. Each had their own clan.

Jacob had the element fire. He can control fire, blue fire, lava and a little bit of hellfire. He doesn't have full control of it yet. demons from his clan have one of his powers. Jacob is the only one with all of them, making him the leader. the rest of his clans don't have any powers but they are ruled by jacob.

Aidan has the power of nature. He can control wood, plants, flowers and roots. Same with Jacob, his clan mates have one of his powers.

Damian had lighting powers, kinda like denki kaminari from my hero academia. He can control lighting, electricity and he can creat thunder storms.

Damian has earth powers. He can control sand, earth, metal and he can creat earthquakes.

And lastly Aki. He has air powers. He can create tornados, mist and has air powers like Aang. He has the 'weakest' power of all of them, that's why he usually fights from a distance.

Anisa is most likely gonna have one of their powers, seeing that she's not born a demon in royalty. Which one, will be seen when she does the ritual.

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