Chapter 46: I don't like them

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Anisa pov:

"my lady, what kind of food would you like?"

"I uhm, food my clans eat?"

"My lady, do we need to bake a cake?"


"My lady, do we have to decorate"

"My lady, what kind of music do you want?"

"My lady, what kind of flowers?"

I hate this. I so fucking hate this. Plan this party, yeah what a good fucking idea. I don't even know how to plan an appointment at the dentist, let alone a royal party!

"Jacob, help!" I yelled for him. He strutted over with a smirk, and I just knew what he was gonna say.

"We want a lot of seafood. For cake just make a vanilla cake, no pie. Play all types of music, and I want water lily's everywhere" Jacob ordered everybody. Thank god for Jacob.

"So much for planning the party" Jacob chucked

"Not funny! I didn't realize it was so much work" I groaned, slamming my head on his chest. he wrapped his arms around my waist, laying his head on top of mine.

"No worry, we'll help you" He said.

"Thanks jacob" I muttered in his chest.

"You get ready, I'll make sure everything goes okay" Nodding, I went to my room. Okay, what to wear? It's not like a super fancy party, but it's also not a party where is should just wear my hoodie. I decided on wearing a simple blue dress cause the color represents my clan. checking in the mirror if I look okay, I walked out of my room.

"Okay anisa, calm down. They're just your clans, and you are their leader. leader, you are their leader. Why did I plan this?" I muttered to myself. This party truly was the stupidest thing i've ever done. And it hasn't even started yet.

Walking into the ballroom I looked in awe. Jacob really did a good job ordering people. the ballroom had a complete blue theme, it really represented my clan. everywhere you looked there were royal blue accents. the curtains were royal blue, the table cloths, and even the chairs. In between the guys their thrones stood a new throne. It was a golden throne, with blue velvet fabric.

"Is that?"

"Your throne? It sure is, you like it?" Damian said from behind me. I could only nod. The throne was beautiful. And now I don't have to sit on the stupid pillow anymore.

"Jacob you did such a good job" I said seeing him walk into the ballroom. He smiled at me as he fixed his tie.

"I'm glad you like it" He said, giving me a kiss on the forehead. Weirdly enough I didn't hate the kiss. The more days pass, the more I like their touch. I don't mind cuddling with them anymore, and I love it when they kiss me on the forehead. What is happening to me?

am I developing Stockholm syndrome!?

NOOOOO! Why god, why!?

"The guests should arrive in 10 minutes, I everything ready?" Aki asked. He was the last one of the guys to walk in, and let me tell you. Hot diggity damn! They all look so good in their suits. I feel so under dressed. fumbling with the edge of my dress, I was debating whether I should change yes or no. The guys look so fancy, and I don't

"You look beautiful anisa, no need to change" Aidan said, holding both my hands.

"Okay serious question, can you guys read minds?" The all started laughing.

"No we can't, but you were being obvious." Aidan chuckled. Crossing my arm I pouted. Dick.

"My lady, the first guests have arrived" My maid said. Fuck! They're already here?!

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