Chapter 35: what!? (edit)

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Anisa pov:

2 month has passed since I got here. It's been a bit better then before, mainly cause I'm being more obedient. I really want to resist sometimes, but I keep thinking back at when jacob burned me, and I don't want that again. I still have the same rules as before, they only changed the rule of going outside. Now I can go outside with a guard. I've been hanging out with the otter more, he's really cute and is helping not loose my sanity here. The only annoying thing is that aki keeps on asking me stuff about it. I can never answer cause I just don't know.

I've finally read all the history books inside and out. I even had tests on it to see if I really read them. I failed here and there cause their history is massive. The amount of clans, and rulers, and powers is just so much to remember. I still haven't been able to find those pages that were missing, but the guys did tell me some things about the last leader. They still don't alow me to go outside of the castle unfortunately, they are still scared that I'm gonna run away. Not like I'm able to do that but okay.


"Come in" I said.  One of the butlers walked in, bowing in front of me.

"The masters want you in the dinning room for dinner" He said.

"I'll be there in 10 minutes" I said. He walked away, closing the door behind him. Going to my closet, I took out a sweater that hid my bruises. One of the rules is that they can touch me whenever they want, I hate this rule. They always come into my room, hugging me, touching me, kissing me. They never go all the way, but this is already to much for me. I never resist when they hug me, but I always fight them off when they started groping me or kissing me. They never like it, and will force my body in the mattress while continuing. My body is littered with bruises from when they held me down. I feel disgusting. They don't even care when I'm crying underneath them, this just gives them a rush.

disgusting demons

Putting on my clothes, I walked to the dinning room. I've remembered most of the castle already. Some rooms I'm not aloud in, and the west wing is off limits. Like what in the beauty and the beast is that rule. Like is there a rose that's slowly dying? Cause if it is I'd like to go there and stomp on it.

Walking into the dinning room, The guys all stared at me. Walking to my seat, I pulled my sleeve more down. 

"What are you wearing?" Max asked me.

"Clothes" I deadpanned

"Why that sweater? You have so many beautiful dresses that are made just for you" Jacob said.

"I'm cold" 

"cold? You are in hell, it's summer here all year around" Damian snickered. 

"Can we just drop it? I'm cold so I'm wearing a sweater" I pouted, stuffing a bread into my mouth. They luckily dropped the subject, digging into the food themselves.

"So anisa, you've been here for 2 months now. What do you think of hell?" Aidan asked me. 

"I uhm, I'm still getting used to it"

"It's been 2 months, what is their to get used to?" Aki asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I've been stuck in a castle aki. I haven't even seen the outside, let alone the people. So yes I'm still getting used to it" I shrugged.

"We actually wanted to talk about something with you" Jacob said, putting his utensils down. "We think it's time you get to know our clans"

"and when do you want to do this?"




"Ah, to... tight" I said, trying to breathe. The maids were helping me in my dress, but they are making my corset tighter and tighter. How did people breathe back in the day? I feel like my organs are gonna pop out of my body any second now.

"Masters order" They said, pulling tighter. Masters order, masters order, I'll shove that order down your throat! Looking in the mirror I looked in awe at myself. Is that even me? I was wearing this beautiful dark blue dress, my hair was made into these gorgeous curls, and my make up was just right. I truly looked like a princess. The maids guided me to the throne room, where the guys were already sitting in their signature color.

"Anisa, you look beautiful" Aki smiled brightly, walking up to me. He took my hand, guiding me to that stupid pillow on the ground. Since I'm not officially a princess yet, I'm not aloud to sit on a throne for whatever reason. So I have to sit on a huge pillow in between aki and damian's throne. It's degrading sitting lower then them.

"When are they coming?" I asked damian

"5 minutes" He said not even looking at me. 5 minutes passed quickly, while the maids were getting everything ready. The thing i've been focusing on is the goblet standing in front of us. Are we having a harry potter moment here? The doors opened and I looked wide eyed. All these different type of creatures came walking in. Vampires,giants, goblins, elves and many more. I never thought I would see these in real life. I never thought the exited. They all walked up to us, one by one bowing for us.

When they were done, they stood back all looking at the guys. whispering among themselves as they stared at me.

"creatures of hell, we invited you today cause we have something to announce" Jacob said, standing up.  "We thought it was time for us to find a queen. So we searched long and hard, but we finally found her. Here she is, your new queen" he held his hand to me, ushering for me to go to him. Standing up, I walked towards Jacob, holding his hand. he held my hand up high. 

Gasps filled the room. Some were looking shocked, while others glared at me. All the stares made me uncomfortable. 

"She's a human!" Somebody yelled.

"A human can't be a queen!"

"One queen for 5 kings!?"

People started yelling, talking through each other. I was slowly getting an headache cause of all the yelling. Hiding myself a bit behind Jacob, I couldn't help but shiver in fear. What if a riot breaks out, I'm screwed then. 

"Silence!" Max's voice boomed through the room. Everybody turned silent real quick, still staring at me.

"Yes she was a human, but we turned her into a demon. No she doesn't have a power yet. Yes she's gonna be my brothers and I's queen. We are doing this so our clans reunite making us stronger then before" Max said, standing next to me. The whole mood in the room switched as everybody started praising them. How fast do these people switch their mood?

"Master, can I ask. When are you gonna get married?" A centaur asked aidan.



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