chapter 61: had fun?

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Anisa pov:

"I can't believe I found all my protection pets! This is amazing" I cheered for the millionth time today. I'm just so happy! Now I also don't have to go on any weird scavenger hunts for my pets.

"Yes anisa we know. We're also happy for you" aidan smiled at me, but I could tell he was annoyed by me constantly telling them

"Let's talk about something more fun. The yearly Halloween party is coming up" Damian said

"Halloween? it's not even October" I said in confusion. why celebrate it now?

"Anisa we live in hell. It's halloween all day every day" Damian grinned. well he's not wrong. We do see a lot of spooky things here.

"We hold halloween party's 5 times a year. They are party's for only royalties, but it's mostly for the princes and princesses. The parents usually just talk and watch while we have fun" Aidan explained.

"omg! That means I can dress up! I don't even know what I wanna be yet. What should I go as?" I mumbled to myself

"Well she's exited" I could hear jacob chuckle

"What are you guys going as?" I asked them. Who knows, we could go in matching costumes

"well I'm going as indiana jones this time" Jacob said. I had to keep myself from drooling. Just imagining him in that suit, damn. Niagara falls. I just know he will look hella sexy in that.

"I'm going as a ring leader" Aidan said. Damn, that's also sexy.

"am going as our favorite rum lover. the one and only jack sparrow" Max grinned. I just know max choose that costume so he had an excuse to drink more alcohol.

"Well I was planning on going as a stripper but my dear brothers won't allow me. So I'm just going as plague doctor. Sexy plague doctor" damian said. Him in a plague doctor costume would be even hotter then him as a stripper.

"I'm just putting on my hufflepuff robes" Aki smiled. He's so cute. I have a great balance in men actually. Aki is the cute shy one. Aidan is the smart and caring guy. max is a very dominant guy, but also a big softy. Damian is the horny bastard. and jacob is the serious guy.

"So many costumes. And none of them are matching. Now I really don't know" I groaned, letting myself fall back into my bed.

"Do you already have any ideas as to what you wanna be?" Max asked

"Kinda. A female luigi sounds fun. But I also really like steampunk. but going as wendy from peter pan sounds fun as well" I said

"Well I think you should go as steampunk" Jacob said. The rest of the guys agreed as well. Steampunk could be fun. I've always wanted to dress up like that.

"I'll go as that then" I said. "When is the party?"

"In two days. Everything is taken care of already. The only thing left to do is getting our costumes." Max said. Good cause I'm not in the mood to plan another party. I suck at organizing parties.

"Are Ethan and nathan coming?" I asked them

"Yeah they are also coming. They are going as the weasley twins" Aki chuckled. omg that costume is amazing!

"Where are they actually? They better not be in the human world talking to sophie" I glared, crossing my arms. Nobody answered. "guys, where are ethan and nathan?" I asked again, but nobody answered. They didn't even dare to look at me.

"Aki, where are they?" I turned to him now. his body trembled as he didn't dare to look me in the eyes. walking up to him, I got closer to his face. "Where are they?"

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