Chapter 14: the wicked witch of the west! (Edit)

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Anisa pov:

"You guys got a pool!?"

"Well duh we have a pool anisa" he said while smirking at me. Giving him a punch, we started Walking to the pool area. Before entering these big glass doors, Jacob pointed the dressing room were I could change. Good thing I brought a bikini. I had a thought they had a pool, but I wasn't sure.

After changing into my black two piece swimsuit, I entered tho pool area. Immediately relaxing from the warm temperature, it was pretty cold inside their house so this was nice. Walking further, I got a better look on their pool. They had a big pool with a slide attached on it. On the far corner of the room they got an hot tub attached to the pool.

Jacob and Max were relaxing in the shallow part of the pool. Aidan was reading a book on a poolchair. Damian was relaxing in the hot tub, and aki was going down the slide. Placing my towel down on my chair, I feel something wet grab me from behind.

"Aaaah let me go you wet rag!" I yelled while squirming. The person behind me just started laughing. "Damian let me go!" I tried wiggling out of his grip, when I feel him walking, toward the goddamn water!

"Damian I swear to god if you throw me in the goddamn water I will skin you alive do you hear me!" Damian stopped at the edge of pool. Thinking he's not gonna throw me in the pool I started relaxing. But not even a second later Damian jumped in the water, with me still in his flipping arms!

Swimming back to the surface I started coughing. Damian just started grinning at me. Hitting him in the chest multiple times, I hear the rest just laughing. "It's not funny Damian! the water is cold as fuck! I'm freezing!" After I said that I felt somebody hugging me from behind.

"Let me heat you up anisa" aki said while nuzzling his face in the crook of my neck. Sighing I just let him warm me up, I'm cold okay.when I finally warmed up we started playing some pool games.

After 2 hours I stopped playing cause I was tired. Laying back on the pool chair I felt a person lay next to me, wrapping an arm around my waist. Turning my head I see aki cuddle next to me. He's such a teddy bear I mentally laughed. I fell asleep with Aki cuddling me. Max put a blanket on top of us cause it started to get colder outside of the pool.


I woke up by somebody shaking next to me. Slowly waking up I hear people talking but it just sounded like mumbling to me. Fully waking up I feel the shaking get worse next to me. Remembering that I fell asleep with aki cuddling me I look behind me to see aki crying and shaking, while holding me like his life depended on it.

What the hell happened?

Now able to understand what the people around me were talking about I see Sebastian standing in the pool area, and max was yelling at him.

Fully turning around I face aki "hey what's going on, are you okay?" I said while pulling his hair out of his face.

"S-she's h-h-here" aki whispered at me.

"Who is here aki?" I ask him again.

"I'll tell you who is here, that bitch of a stepmom is here unannounced!" Max yelled at me. Turning back at Sebastian he started yelling at him again. "You better tell that bitch that she's not welcome here and that she should go back to we're she came from!". After hearing that their mom is here, i started hugging aki close to me, aki gets the most abused by his stepmom so he's affected by this visit the most.

"Master max I can't do anything about it, she wants all of you in the living room in 5 minutes" and with that Sebastian left. 

"FUCK!" Max started yelling and punching stuff. Jacob had to hold him back or he would trash the whole pool area. it was scary seeing him so mad. 

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