chapter 34: find info on that otter (edit)

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aki pov:

Goddammit where is she!?

The second Damian came to punish her, she bolted towards the trees. And now that she's a demon, she's way faster and more flexible. It's a good thing she can't fly or have a power yet, we would've lost her forever.

"I want soldiers all around the border of the garden. Your future queen is on the loose, and she needs to come back inside" I ordered the guards. They all flew away, leaving us in the garden.

"Milo!" My wolf then appeared, jumping around my legs. He turned serious, when he saw that I wasn't laughing.

"What's the matter master?"

"Your future queen ran away in the garden, find her" I said, letting him sniff one of her shoes she left at the door. He bolted towards the trees, my brothers pets following him.

"How dare she lie to us!? blaming it all on MY pet!" Max yelled in annoyance and anger, pacing back and forth.

"What if she was telling the truth?" Aidan said, crossing his arms.

"What's up with you constantly defending her!? You also wanted her as your queen, and you would do anything to get her!" Max said in shock.

"you know how Shadow is, He likes to lie" A stone was then thrown towards Aidan. He was just able to dodge it, before it hit his head.

"Don't talk about my pet like that!"

"You know it's true! That fucking bear lies all the fucking time, you are to dense to even realize it! Toulouse!" The little fox slowly walked towards aidan, his ears back in fear.

"What happened in the library?"

"U-uhm, I-I... I don't know"

"You don't have to be afraid, I'm not gonna hurt you."

"S-shadow told Anisa that Max wanted her outside. S-She was debating whether it was a test or not, but she didn't want to break a rule, scared to be punished again." Toulouse trembled.

"Po, is this true?" I asked my panda. He nodded, snuggling close to my leg. So that fucking bear was lying?! I wanted to punish anisa for nothing!? If I could I would kill the bear. I didn't listen to the rest of the conversation, I just ran towards the garden trying to find Anisa.

I was running around trying to find her, but she was no where to we seen. Where the hell is she? Please don't tell me she went into the maze, I'm not in the mood for hide and seek.

"Found anything yet?" Damian asked me, placing his hand on my shoulder. Shaking my head no he groaned. "God fuck, where the hell could she be?!" He yelled in annoyance, punching over a tree.

"Aidan is gonna kill you for that"

"He can shove this tree up. His. Ass" he pointed his finger at me.

"Lets just continue searching" I rubbed my face in annoyance. Bending the air I tried to pick up a sound, but the only thing I could hear were birds chirping. I was about to stop, when I heard the sound of water.

"Have you guys found anything?" Max came into view.

"No! I don't know where she could be"

"Sssssht" I shushed them.

"I know our garden is big, but it's not this big for us not to find her"


"Oh! She could be in the~"

"Can you two shut the fuxk up!?" I yelled at them, making them freeze. "I'm picking up a sound of water, but I can't hear it with y'all's talking!"

"You can hear water? I don't hear anything"

"Sound travels by air, meaning I can hear it by using my power. Fucking idiot" I muttered the last part. Focusing back on the sound, I heard the splashing of water and laughter. Anisa her laugh!

"She's at the pond!" I yelled, running towards it. My brothers called over the rest, them following us as well. Seeing the pond, i ran faster, stopping at the edge of the trees. Hiding behind a tree, I looked at the pond. My brother soon joined me, hiding as well.

I couldn't help but smile seeing anisa laugh like that. She's been so scared since she woke up, and I hate it. But she keeps doing things that make us mad! Why can't she just listen!? What the hell ks she even playing with? It's long and brown


No I'm not gonna say it.


Am I?



I really want to say it!




Oh Its an otter, hehe. Wait, an otter? How did an otter get into the garden? It's not one of our protection pets. And the only other animals that can get into the garden are birds and some insects.

"I love that smile" Damian said, snapping me out of my thoughts. I do to brother. She was playing in the pond, having the time of her life. Hate to break this moment.

"Anisa!" Well at least I didn't have to do it, cause Aidan beat me to it. He grew vines, that then pulled Anisa out of the pond. She flinched, screaming as she was hung upside down.

"W-what the hell?" She looked confused, trying to pull the vines away. Looking in our direction, she froze. "I-I... Please don't punish me" She pleaded. Aidan waved his hand, making the vines disappear. Anisa fell on the ground, hard.

"You shouldn't have ran" Aidan sneered. When we made the rules, Aidan only wanted one rule. 'Don't run away', Aidan hates it when people run away from him. They're cowards in his eyes. They should just own up to what they did, and not chicken out. So when anisa ran away, he lost his cool.

"I-I'm sorry! Please, I was just scared. You were gonna punish me for something I didn't do!" Anisa said, her voice shaking. Aidan didn't care though, he raised his hand to slap anisa, when the otter Bit his hand.

"What the fuck!" Aidan yelled, holding his now bleeding hand. The otter snarled, standing in front of anisa protectively. Why did the otter protect anisa though?

"Skittle" I called over my cockatoo. He flew on my shoulder, nuzzling against my cheek.

"What is it master?"

"Find info on that otter"

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