chapter 70: what the hell is this room?

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Anisa pov:

Stopping in my tracks the only thing I could do was stare at otto. I don't think I heard that right. It can't be charlotte. Charlotte died of a sickness. And I've seen her gravestone, so she can't be behind a wall. Wait, is she dead behind that wall? What the hell is going on?

"Otto, what do you mean charlotte is behind that wall? Charlotte is dead"

"Just come!"

"Otto, this isn't funny. we're talking about the dead mother of aki and max" I scolded him.

"master please!" taking a deep sigh, I walked further. Entering the dungeon, the smell of dead filled my nose. Ugh the guards really need to clean out the dead bodies. This is just gross. Walking all the way to the back of this massive dungeon I say the rest of my pets waiting for me.

"Okay, show" I told them. snow pushed against the wall, the wall slowly opening. Holy shit, secret doorways. Taking a deep breath I walked in. The room was dark, only illuminated by a few candles. The room was filled with furniture, and trinkets. It looked like a normal living room to be honest. but why is there a living room hidden in a dungeon? And it was clean, meaning it's been used a lot. 

"Where did you say you saw charlotte" I asked them. Pugsley walked up to me, pushing me forward. He pushed me towards a large red curtain. Oh please don't tell me they want me to look behind it. Come on anisa, you're the queen of hell! You can do this. Grabbing the curtain with my shaky hand, I counted to three before throwing it open. 

"What the fuck" Was the only thing I could say seeing what was behind the curtain. right there was Charlotte, frozen solid in a block of ice. inside the ice I could see smoke twirling around charlotte. 

"We tried melting it with a torch but not even a single drop fell from it. we can't melt it" Bruiser said

"I can still feel her heartbeat, so she's still alive inside of that. We think that smoke is keeping her alive, but the ice is enabling her from moving due to the cold." Lyla said. 

"I don't understand. Charlotte died of a sickness. How is she still alive after all those years? and why is she here?" I said, touching the ice. "Also how did they get a block of ice here? It should've melted already. the only one able to do that is...a water clan leader. But that's not possible she's also dead" I said turning to my pets

"We don't understand either. we're just as confused as you are" hedwig my owl said. 

"Well it's a good thing you guys brought me here" I said, checking out the block of ice again

"Can you break it master?" icy asked, as she flew on my shoulder. 

"I think I can. I just don't know what type of smoke is inside of it. It could be dangerous, but I could try" Holding my hands on the ice, I was slowly turning it into snow. If I can destroy it it definitely means it's made by the leader of the water clan.

while the ice was slowly turning into snow, ice and hedwig went to work with putting some of that smoke that was inside in a bottle. We need it to be tested to see what it is. when everything turned to snow, I caught the body of charlotte. She started violently coughing in my embrace. she then turned to look at me, quickly scrambling away

"Who are you!? Stay away from me!? Where am I!?" She started yelling in a panic, frantically looking around

"I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm anisa, your sons wife" I told her, holding my hands up.

"my son? how do you know my son!? is he okay?" She asked me frantically

"Aki and max are okay. The rest also"

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