chapter 67: queen of hell

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Anisa pov:

"no that's the wrong color! you fucking idiots!" 

"Uhm, jacob. Is your dad always like this?" I asked him as we were both watching his dad yelling at staff. They were preparing the castle for the coronation today. And let's just say that satan is being even more controlling then ever.

"Yeah he is, especially today. it's a big deal for him. His sons are finally taking over hell. He can finally go on retirement" Jacob laughed.

"What the fuck is that!?" Satan screeched.

"f-flowers, my lord?" The servant shivered in fear.

"And what color is this?"


"blue? BLUE? This is navy blue, it's suppose to be royal blue! my daughter in law her dress is royal blue, I don't even want to see her reaction when she sees the decoration for her clans to be navy blue!" he yelled. Looking over at Jacob he just shrugged.

"Don't even try stopping him. You'll just start to argue. Come on it's time to put on your dress" He said pushing me away from the great hall

"Yey, more pins in my skin." I fake cheered. Sometimes I have the feeling the seamstress puts needles in my body on purpose. 

"It's not that bad. and besides your dress is already done, so I would find it weird if she still needed to make adjustments. " Jacob waved off. Walking in Damian was screaming while screaming in his suit while the lady tried to work on it

"AUW! Stop fucking pricking me you spooky bitch!" Damian yelled at her

"Told ya" I said, leaning back to tell Jacob. Jacob just rubbed his face, as he went to sit down. 

"You, here" The lady said as she pointed at me. bitch point at me again I swear. In a couple of hours I will get you beheaded. Standing on the little pedestal I put on the dress. The dress fit me perfectly. It was a blue (royal blue actually, not like I would tell the difference. I mean it's fucking blue okay) ball gown. the dress falls off of my shoulder, and it has a hint of glitter. it was absolutely beautiful. staring at myself in the mirror I felt my blood boil. Cause it fucking started


I swear I will kill her the second I can get. why does she have to be so good at her job. While she was working on my dress, another lady already started on my make up. Just some light make up, with a hint of blue in the eye shadow. I mean my color is blue so blue has to be in everything. And then I mean everything. I suggested just some black heels, but no, they had to be blue. luckily my hair was already done so I don't need to sit in that chair any longer. My hair was done in light curls.

"Anisa, you look absolutely dashing" Aidan said as he walked in already in his suit. his suit was of course green. 

"Well you look good to" I told him. Feeling a cold breeze I looked to my right to see lyla standing next to me. "Something wrong lyla?" I asked my tiger

"Just wanted to say your clans have arrived" She said. oh shit, it's happening. it's actually happening. In a little bit I'll be queen of hell, oh god fuck.

"Thanks lyla, Go get them seated or something" I said waving her off. Is it getting hot in here or is that Jacobs doing? This dress feels like it's getting tighter and tighter. I can't breathe. I thought there wasn't a corset in this dress. so why does it feel like there is!?

"Anisa calm down, everything will go okay" max said, rubbing my arms.

"I'm gonna be queen of hell in a couple of hours, or no let's say, a couple of minutes! I don't think I can do this. I'm not prepared. I don't even know how to be a queen!" I panicked, pacing back and forth

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