Chapter 2: can I get your number? (edit)

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Anisa pov:

Ugh French, one of the most awful subjects in the world. it doesn't mean that because I live in Belgium that I can speak French okay. Dutch yes, English yes, French NO! I can't wait until it's lunch, I'm so hungry! How long until lunch... 30 MINUTES!!!! 30 minutes to long.

"Okay class we still have 30 minutes but I'm not gonna start a new chapter so you have free time." Ha, I suddenly love French. You know what time it is..................WATTPAD TIME!!

Oeh What story I'm I gonna pick? A mha fanfic? Maybe. Oeh or maybe a kidnapped by a vampire story? Classic, classic. Omg I know! I'm gonna read a good, old, SMUT. Yep.

AKI pov:

Okay I officially hate my dad. It's one thing we have to learn dutch. Well we took a potion for it but that's besides the point. But he never told us we had to learn flipping French. I'm gonna fail this class I already know. Another way to piss of LIllith, lovely. As if she doesn't hate me enough, I mentally sighed.

"Okay class we still have 30 minutes but I'm not gonna start a new chapter so you have free time." My teacher said. Looking around I saw that my brothers were either talking to one another or looking on there phone. Again I'm ignored.

What to do what to do. Maybe I can talk to anisa, she's sitting next to me so talking would be easy. Looking at anisa I see that she is also looking at her phone. But it looks more like she's reading something.

Should I look. I mean I could but wouldn't that be invading her privacy? BUT I could find out what she's into! But she could be mad if I look. But this would make my task in finding a queen easier.

After my inner battle I decided to look anyway. Okay so let me see. *after I said that he slammed me against the wall* okay violent story I like. *my boss started yelling at me, saying he should just kill me* is she reading a mafia story? Good choice of story. Ok what else, damn she reads fast.

*he slammed his big co-*

What now?

Is she? Is she actually?



She reads those things? I mean I'm not judging read What you want to but WHAT! I thought Damian was the only one who reads that type of stuff. Looking at Anisa's face to see her reacting I see.





This girl is freaky like wtf! How, HOW is she reading it with a straight face like I could never. Is this normal for her? Does she have experience with this. Of course the one girl that is nice to me is a freaky girl, she's a very freaky girl.

Anisa pov:

Okay that's enough smut for today. Can't go overboard. Looking around I see AKI having a inner battle with himself or something.

"Hey AKI are you Okay?" No response. Nudging Aki he finally snapped out of his daze. "Hey are you Okay, you were concentrating really hard" I said laughing a little. 

"Yeah I'm fine just thinking about something" he laughed awkwardly. 

"Okay if you say so"

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