chapter 60: not happening

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Anisa pov:

"We gotta go" pausing the game I turned towards the twins. They wanna leave already? They just got here. I don't wanna say goodbye to tommy yet, and I still wanna get to know the twins.

"Why so soon? You guys just got here" I asked them. 

"Sorry sweetheart, but we just saw a babe on jacob's phone and we NEED to get her" Nathan explained. Babe? What babe? I'm the only babe on his phone. Raising my eyebrow at jacob, he just chuckled. I don't know what's so funny. I swear if it's one of those fish sticks I'm gonna cut jacob's balls off. jacob then walked up to me and handed me his phone. Checking the photo I shook in anger

"I think the fuck not! nope, not gonna happen!" I yelled at them, handing jacob back his phone

"Why? What's wrong?" Ethan calmly asked

"you're NOT gonna marry my friend. Not happening!" I glared at them

"You married 5 guys!" Nathan yelled back

"Not consensual that is! I was turned into a demon against my will" I stated

"So If we get this sophie's consent, we can marry her?" Ethan sneakily asked

"NO!"  I yelled at them while throwing a pillow towards their faces. 

"Anisa, if sophie wants that what is the big deal?" Aidan asked me. 'I mean sophie wouldn't mind being a demon. She hates live anyways"

"Have you ever met sophie? her being a demon would mean chaos! she already wants to kick a kid into another dimension for just existing. I can only imagine how she'll be when she's a demon. So it's not gonna happen" I told them crossing my arms. 

"Please anisa, please!" Nathan fake cried as he bowed before me


"please! we finally found a girl we like."


"Stop being such a cockblock you bitch! Let me marry her"

"You don't even know her! You just go after looks!"

"Please! I'll give you food!"


"is that a yes?"


"You guys married an absolute bitch! How could you marry her? Like look at her! W-with her ugly, YEAH ugly brown hair. OR! or her stupid personality. And her nasty britney spears perfume that I may or may not have! and she's absolutely NOT amazing for being the new water clan leader even for being just a human in her previous life" Nathan pouted. 

"Can you stop telling me how amazing my wife is, cause I already know" Aki sneered at nathan, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and pulling me close to him. 

"What if we just get to know her? pretend we're just humans, get close to her. And then when the time is right, tell her our secret and then take her here?" Ethan proposed.

"So like what happened to me?" I deadpanned


"So this was fun. I'm gonna go find my last protection pet cause I forgot I still have one to search. Nice to meet you, bu-bye. Oh, and if I find out you did talk to my friends, I won't just be a cockblock" I smiled innocently at the twins. They both gulped, quickly nodding.

walking outside I called out for my pets. I still need to find my last pet, and I completely forgot about it. There was just so much that happened. but now I'm gonna find him...her... I don't know. 

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