Chapter 15: aki its okay (edit)

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Aki pov:

That was my breaking point. I couldn't breathe all of a sudden. Getting hotter and hotter, it started getting harder to breath. Fuck I can't breath. Go away, go away, GO AWAY! Help me. I-I need anisa! Where is she!? I need her, I'm gonna snap if I don't find her.

I tried to take deep breath, but i failed. Taking shallow breath, I started shaking. Why does she always remind me of my mother's death?' Clenching my fist I start to hyperventilate. I need to get out of here, I-I need to. I need to go to anisa, where is she, we-where is she!! WHERE  IS MY MOM WHEN I NEED HER!

Standing up I started running out of the living room. Running in the hallway I run to the gaming room. Stumbling on the way I finally arrived. Slamming the door open i see anisa and tommy turn their heads at me. Running to her, I grabbed her waist not letting go

"Aki? Aki what's wrong?! Aki tell me!" Anisa said frantically.

"I-I c-can't b-breath! H-help me!" I said between breaths.

"Shit! aki, calm down okay. Tommy can you please ask Sebastian for some water?" Tommy nodded and ran out of the room, leaving me alone with anisa

"Aki I need you to listen to me okay. Follow my breathing okay. Breathe in, breathe out" Trying what she told me I failed.

"I-it's not w-working!!" I said in a panic while crying."i-I miss her so m-much! I-I want her B-back!" I said between sobs while trying to breathe.

"I know aki,I know. but you gotta focus on your breathing now. Let's try again okay." Anisa said calmly. We tried a couple of times and it finally worked. Still sobbing  I hug anisa harder.

Anisa was whispering sweet nothings in my ear while swaying me back and fort, hugging me close. Slowly calming down I hear the door open again. Tommy came running in with a glass of water.

"Here you go big bro" he said while I took the glass from him. I drank the water with 3 gulpes. Giving back the glass, tommy gave me a lollipop. Seeing the flavor I smile while unwrapping it and sticking it in my mouth. After that I hug anisa's waist closely, I start to drift of.

Anisa pov:

"Is he asleep?" I asked tommy, cause I couldn't see aki's face. He nodded and I sighed. "Luckily, I wonder what got him to hyperventilate" I said while running my fingers through his hair.

"Probably mom" tommy said.

"I know they don't have a good relationship, but what could be so severe that he came running all the way up here?" I asked confused. Like aki was having a full blown panic attack.

"Mom probably talked about aki's mom being dead. It's a sensitive topic for big bro" he said sadly.

"I guess you're aki's new comfort person. Seeing as big brother max was it before" tommy said with a smile.

"Well I'm glad I got the honor of being that" I said with a small laugh. "Question, why did you gave him a lollipop?"  Aki completely calmed down after seeing the lollipop.

"His mom would give him green apple lollipops when he was sad. It became his comfort food when he's sad or stressed. So we always have a big stache of lollipops at home" good to know. I got to remember that for if this were to happen again. Still holding aki close to me, I tried to get more comfortable on the couch.

"Is his mom always been a sensitive subject?" Tommy just looked sad at me.

"Yes it is, ever since she died that is. I miss her to, she was really sweet. Better then my mom" Tommy said tearing up a bit. "She would always sneak us lollipops and candy when my mom wasn't looking. Oh and one time we filled waterballons with her and then we dropped them on moms head when she was in a meeting. That was like the best day ever!" Tommy said with this huge smile. "I wish she was still alive" tommy whipped away a tear.

Letting one of my arms go of Aki I give Tommy a side hug. Tommy leaned into the hug. "She's in a better place now tommy" I said while giving him a kiss on his forehead. He just snuggled closer into my side.

"Anisa, are you dating any of my brothers?" This made me schoke on my spit.

"*cough* what? No I'm not!" I said. Tommy just pouted at that.

"To bad, id love to have you as a big sis" he said while cuddling me again. Omg I'm dying of cuteness overload. This kid is absolutely adorable!

"You can continue playing tommy, ill just watch" I said while giving him my controller. He just nodded and started playing further. Pulling a blanket over aki, I also put one over tommy. After a while I started to drift of.

Damian pov:

After aki ran away all hell broke loose. Max started yelling at lillith and flipped the table. He even started throwing glasses at lillith.lillith of course just yelled back.

"How fucking dare you bring my mom into this, you have no fucking right!" Max yelled while throwing another glass.

"Who cares that she's dead she was just another whore of your father!" Lillith yelled right back. This made max freeze, we all froze. How dare she talk about her like that, she was the best woman to ever exists, well togheter with anisa of course. Seeing max slowly raise his hand I jump in action.

Grabbing his arm I twist it to his back "not when anisa is in the house" i whispers in max his ear. She can't know yet what we are, that could ruin it.  max relaxed a bit, but I could still feel him shaking in anger. Looking back at my lillith I glare at her "you should leave" I said sternly. She just fixed her dress and her hair.

"Very well then, where is that brat of a son of mine?"

"He went With anisa to the game room" Jacob Saïd. She started speed walking with Amy in her arms to the game room. She slammed the door open and what we saw made my heart melt.

There I saw anisa laying on the couch with aki hugging her waist, and next to anisa is Tommy hugging her side. Anisa holding both of them in a protective way. All of them covered with blankets. I quickly made a photo before lillith could ruin the moment. I guess I wasn't the only one with that idea cause Jacob, Aidan and max quickly snapped a picture.

Lillith started stomping over to Tommy and yanked him from the couch, which made tommy wake up. "Finally you fucking brat, we're gonna go!" She said while dragging him away.

"Wait! I wanna say goodbye to big brother and anisa!" Tommy said while pulling his arm back. Lillith just hold his arm tighter which made Tommy wince. Seeing this I grab lillith arm and pull it away from Tommy. "It's one thing to disrespect Elizabeth like that, but you're not gonna hurt Tommy for wanting to say goodbye!" I growled at her. This made lillith step back, I barely talk back to her so this was a shocker. Eventhough I'm not her biological son, she still treats me like it. All because my mom was her best friend.

"Fine, make it quick!" She sneered as she walked out of the room

. "Yes make it quick!" Amy also yelled. I fucking hate that little kid. she's like a lillith 2.0. Tommy ran back to the couch and started waking up anisa and aki.

"Anisa, aki wake up!" He said while shaking them. They slowly woke up when Tommy hugged them. Anisa jumped a bit, looking around frantically.

"Oh hey Tommy what's up" anisa said with a groan. She must of slept deeply. She looks really tired.

"I'm going home, I just wanted to say bye" anisa hugged Tommy back, aki doing the same. After they said there goodbyes Tommy ran back downstairs to go home.

"Anisa I said it once and I'll say it again, you are Waify material!" I said with a laugh

"Ha Ha Damian" she said while falling back asleep while cuddling aki.

"Hey I want cuddles to!" I said while jumping on the couch cuddling anisa.

"Goddamn you big bitch, almost suffocating me up in here!" She said with a groan.

"We'll let you guys sleep" Jacob said. Jacob and Aidan left the room while max joined us on the couch, playing Mario card where they left off. Jacob is probably gonna talk to father to try and get Tommy to live with us. He's not gonna survive with that bitch. We've been talking a lot about letting Tommy live with us. And Seeing Tommy cuddle with anisa like that made our decision final.

She is the perfect girl.

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