chapter 68: what the fuck is this doing here?

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Anisa pov:

"aaaah I can't believe my bestie is finally queen!" perseus yelled as he hugged me tightly, jumping up and down.

"Perseus, I can't breathe" I laughed, but it come out more as a weeze. he quickly let go of me, still jumping up and down in excitement.

"I just can't believe it! And that lillith actually gave up her crown!"

"well" I said, looking down scratching my cheek

"huh? wait, did you do something?" he asked me

"Well she didn't want to give me the crown so I may or may not have used my bloodbending on her. you know, to speed up the process" I explained to him.

"Holy fucking shit! You truly are a queen of hell! only queens of hell are this petty" He laughed. "well, I'm gonna go eat some food while drooling at your hot ass husbandssss. bye!" he said skipping off. I sometimes wonder why I'm friends with him.

Looking around for people to talk to, I saw Aki walking out of the room. Deciding to follow him, I quickly recognized the hallway to be the hallway of portraits. i always found this hallway to be fascinating yet scary. When walking down these halls it feels like every picture is staring at you, following you. but then again, this is history. family members, important people. It's amazing seeing who where here before us. Rounding the corner, I saw aki standing in front of a portrait.

standing next to him, I looked up as well. It was a picture of him, max and charlotte. they all looked so happy here. I don't think I've seen aki and max this happy before.

"She's beautiful" I told him

"I know" He said, smiling at the picture.

"Can you tell me about her?" I asked him. It's a question I've asked him a lot. But his answer is always the same. 'maybe next time'.

"I think it's time I should. Come on, let's go somewhere more quiet" Taking his hand, we walked to the living room. Sitting down on the couch, aki turned on the fire.

"Shouldn't we call over max? I mean it's also his mom" I asked him

"No it's okay. I was more of a momma's boy anyway" He laughed. "So, what do you wanna know?"

"Well, how was she?" I asked him

"She was amazing. her smile could light up the room. She was nice to everybody. She didn't see any servants less then her. She wasn't strong fighting wise, or her power. But she was strong in being kind to everybody. her kindness was her downfall though. Lillith and elisabeth saw it as a weakness, and in a way it was." he explained

"How so? I mean I'm nice to the servant as well"

"yeah but there is a clear difference between you and mom. The servant could be a total asshole to my mom, and my mom would still put on a smile and act like nothing happen. Once they made her trip so hard, her knee was bleeding. It was set on purpose but mom forgave them anyway. You tell them how it is. You don't take disrespect. Mom could learn from you actually" He laughed.

"she took all 5 of us in. even if she was max and I's mom, she loved jacob, damian and aidan just as much. When Lillith was harsh on training Jacob, Aidan and Damian she would organize a movie night with a bunch of snacks she would personally make. it would always cheer them up"

"Didn't you ever feel like they kind of took your mom? sorry, maybe a bitchy thing to ask" I asked him carefully.

"All the time actually. I sometimes had the feeling she wasn't my mom, cause they took so much time off of her that could've went to me. But mom always made sure to make it up by having an entire day with just us. She would then always have green apple lollypops. That's why they are my favorite" He said smiling at the memory.

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