Chapter 10: max feels off (edit)

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Anisa pov:

"Good evening" the waitress said to us.

"Hi we made reservation on smith" Jacob said to the waitress.

"Yep please follow me"

We were seated in a cirkel table. I decided to sit next to max. He seemed of in the car so I hoped to find out why. It didn't surprise me when I saw aki and Damian fight over who's gonna sit next to me.

Damian and aki are really attached to me. They started doing rock paper scissor. They decided to do fucking rock paper scissor to decided who sitting next to me. Are they kids?

Aki eventually won, with the help of Aidan. Aki had the biggest smile I've ever seen on its face, max was just looking like a Debby downer.

"Hello ill be your server today, can I start with drinks?"

"I'll get an ice tea" I said

"I'll get a beer" Jacob said. Ma dude you are our driver. Are you trying to kill us!

"I'll get a green tea ice tea" Aidan said. Why didn't that surprise me.

"I'll get a sprite" aki said

"I'll get... a white wine please" Damian said. I didn't know damian was a whine guy.

" and you sir?"

Max didn't response. He just stared at the menu. I gave max a nudge but he still didn't response.

"Max What do you want to drink?" I nudged max again. This made him snap out of his phase.

"Oh uh a beer please" he said with the most timid voice I've ever heard from max.

"I'll be right back" and with that the server left.

Looking at the menu I started looking at the options. Pasta with cream and chicken oeh good choice good choice. Or or pasta carbonara, sounds good. Oooooooor pasta with...

"And do you already know what you want anisa?" Aidan said while pulling me out of my pasta dream.

"Not really, still deciding, you?" I asked him

"I'm gonna take the pasta with veggies"

"Aah the flower boy is gonna eat some plants" I said while laughing. He just stuck his tongue out at me like a little kid.

"I'm gonna take the bacon burger with french fries" Jacob said

"Damn eating all the meat Jacob" I said with a smirk.

"You with your sex jokes" he said while taking a drink from his beer. Oh did I forget to tell ya the server brought us our drinks.

"I'm gonna take the pepperoni pizza" Damian said with a fake Italian accent.

"And you aki what are you gonna pick?" Jacob asked him

"Well I see this thing here but i have no clue what it is"

"What is it" I ask him. I mean there are dishes in there that they've probably never heard of so I'm here to help them.

"Well Its called videe but I have no clue what it is" aki said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Oh that is something we eat a lot here. Well how do I explain this. It's basically meatballs, chicken and mushrooms in a type of savory sauce" I tried to explain.

The meat and veggie part isn't difficult but the sauce part is. How the hell do I even explain it. I don't even know how to explain it in dutch. All I can say is that it's fucking delicious.

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