Chapter 25: kidnapped (edit)

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Anisa pov:

I did it! They didn't see me at all, ha suck it y/n wattpad girls! This is easy. Looking outside I saw that I was already in my hometown. Only 2 more stops and then I grab my bike and go home.

No! I'm not going home, they know where I live. I'll go to my grandmas house, they don't know where she lives. I couldn't help but look outside constantly, looking for their faces or their car. I'm getting paranoid

Oh my stop is finally here! Stepping out, I went to grab my bike when I felt somebody grab me from behind.

"You didn't think we wouldn't know you were in that bus did you?" Shit it's max!

"Let me go max" I sneered at him.

"Mmm, can't do that buttercup. Now be a good girl and walk to the car without making a scene, the consequences will be severe" he whispered to me, making me shiver. why was that sexy? U don't need that right now!

"I will scream max" I glared at him.

"Do that and your beloved mother will die, you don't want that to happen do you?" He grinned at me. Walking with him, I started looking at people giving signals so they can help me. But to my luck.

Nobody looked.

I was pushed in the backseat of the car, in between aki and Damian. No way in hell I'm staying here. Before they could grab me, I crawled into the trunk of the car. The windows were blinded making me unable to see where we were going. Damn they really thought this through!

"Oh baby dont hide from us" Damian giggled, leaning his head on the car seat. Aki doing the same thing, only he had this terrifying grin on his face.

These guys are Crazy! And not in the good way!

"What do you want from me?!"

"Isn't that obvious? We want you silly! Everything we did was for you" Aki grinned. everything they did for me? What do they mean with that?

"S-so the killings?" I asked scared for the answer. 

"Was us!" Damian said proudly. I think I'm gonna be sick. I always cringed when people said they get sick when they hear somebody killed someone. But it's fucking real, the sick feeling!


"Cause we love you! And they were mean to you! Spreading that fucking rumor about you, how  dare they!" Aki yelled, making me flinch. He had this crazy look in his eyes, I've never seen him like this.

"*sigh* but now they are dead, so no problem anymore" he sighed.

"What are you gonna do to me?" I could feel tears forming. I've read stories, so I can kinda guess what they are gonna do. I also don't know how extreem they are in their yandereness. And that terrifies me.

"Keep you forever" crawling into a ball, I started sobbing. I want to go home! Aki tried to go to me, but Aidan stopped him.

"Let her be for now, she scared"

"That's why I need to comfort her idiot, she's fucking scared!" Aki yelled at him. I don't need him to comfort me. I just need him to drop me of home and to never talk to me again. What happened to the guys that were my best friends?

"She's gonna be more scared if you do that! Let her be for now" thank you Aidan!

I don't know how long I've been in this car, but I know that their house isn't that far away from mine. Are they bringing me to another location? I hope the fuck they did not. That will make it harder for me to escape. 

"Anisa where is your phone?" Jacob asked me from the front seat. Are they checking my bag? They probably did. Well I'm smart to bitch I hid my phone in my bra!

"I don't know"

"Don't lie anisa, you always have your phone on you. So I'm gonna asked again, where. Is. Your. Phone?"

"I lost it" I shrugged

"You lost it?"

"I mean yeah. I won't call names, but I got grabbed a couple of minutes ago and maybe I dropped my phone." Please buy it, please buy it!!

"You're a terrible liar you know that right" fuck me sideways with a chainsaw! "Now I'm gonna ask AGAIN, where is your fucking phone" shit he's getting mad.

I know I shouldn't do this, but I'm gonna give my phone. I don't want to die okay! I don't know what they could do. I could be punished for not obeying them. For now I'm just gonna obey them until they trust me enough so that I can escape when they least expect it. I'm not gonna be a stupid horror movie girl that will try to escape every chance they get. That will get me killed or even tortured. I gotta play this smart.

"It's in my bra" I crossed my arms, looking down to my knees.

"Good girl, now give it" grabbing my phone I handed it to Damian, who then gave it to Jacob. I hope they will trust me really fast


Okay how long have I been in this fucking car? Where are they taking me?! Are we out of the country? I hope they didn't take me out of the country. That would make it even more difficult. Reaching out for the window. scratching at the black covering I groaned finding out it isn't black paper. Scratching a little harder nothing came off of it. What is this stuff? I can't even get it off. sitting back down I leaned my head back. They really thought everything through huh?


I'm hungry!

Jacob pov:

"Is she still not fucking asleep?" Max asked us through our mind.

"Nope wide awake" Damian responded annoyed.

"I'm driving in fucking circles right now!" Max yelled. we wanted to bring anisa to our house, but she knows the area. That's why we're driving around so she would fall asleep. Then we would take her to this special room she doesn't know we have in our house. But she's wide awake. 

"Well why can't she be awake? She's seen our house a million times" aki asked confused.

"Cause we are gonna have to go through the portal you dimwit! The portal that is only in our house. If she knows where it is she's gonna escape" Aidan said annoyed.

"Wel so-rry"

"I can't take this anymore, Aidan use that fucking plant!" Max yelled.

"She's gonna freak"I  argued.

"Do we have a choice?!"


Anisa pov:

They are being scary quiet. This is freaking me out. Like what are they thinking? Are they thinking of killing me? Ways to torture me? I don't know!

Everything was still quiet was I saw Aidan crawl into the trunk with me. Scooting away from him, he just stayed there. Is he planning on killing me in this car? Is he gonna rape me? Tears ran down my cheeks as I pushed myself closer into the corner. 

"I'm sorry" sorry for what? He then did a wavey kind of movement with his hand. A plant then appeared out of nowhere.

What the fuck! Are they wizards or something!?

The plant then shot a pink kind of powder at me. I tried not to breath it in, but it was already to late. It kinda smelt sweet like cotton candy, but it was comforting in a way.

I was getting tired, my eyes feeling heavy. Letting out a yawn, I felt myself relaxing against the wall. Closing my eyes, I started drifting off.

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