Chapter 57: wanna ...?

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Anisa pov:

"So the angels came because of me?" I asked. I already knew the answer, but I just wanted to make sure.

"Unfortunately yes." Satan sighed, while pinching the bridge of his nose. I'm in deep shit now. I knew I would get in trouble with taking the werewolf's as mine, but not this quick. it's been what, a week?

"Do they- do they know my power?" I asked him while fumbling with my fingers

"luckily they don't. They're suspicious of you. But they think you're only a demon" He said.

"I'm sorry" I apologized. "If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't of acted to impulsive."

"Don't apologize anisa. You acted like a good clan leader. I've done a lot of stupid things in my time as well. we all make mistakes" He said giving me a smile.

"But this could lead to a war. I don't wanna make my people fight because of something I did" I could never forgive myself if my people died because of me. I just wanted to give the werewolf's a good home, but I forgot my other 4 clans because of it. I literally stole a clan from the angels, AND I banished the mermaids. Gosh, I'm the worst leader ever.

"All the clans would happily fight for you and the werewolf's. You really made a good impression on them. Better then my sons did when they first got their clans." he chuckled.

"they fucked up so bad then?"

"You don't wanna know"


"great people of hell. As for today I will be the new ruler of the fire clan. I hope you will all accept me as your-"

"A little stiff don't you think?" Satan chuckled as he walked into the living room. 'be a little more loose. The people would like that more"

"Dad I'm practicing, leave me alone. they don't need a wild and funny leader. They need a stern, brave leader" Jacob said holding his head up high.

"Go a head then. But I warned you" satan chuckled walking out of the room. Jacob took a deep sigh, fixing his suit. Grinning at himself in the mirror he walked to the balcony. Here he was gonna announce he was gonna be the new leader.

"be stern, brave, ambitious. You're an amazing leader" Jacob whispered to himself, as he gave himself a little pep talk.

"Great people of hell!" Jacob started. He had a huge smile on his face, while he held his hands out for his people. " As for today I will be *ACHOO*! holy shit!"

during his speech, jacob had to sneeze. Only he breathed fire when he did, ending up in burning the hair of the leader of the dragon trainers. The guy ran in a panic, trying to find some water. but damage was already done. Till this day the dragon trainer leader still has a bald spot on his head.


"And? nervous aidan?" Satan asked his second son as they walked towards the balcony.

"No father" AIdan simply said. Satan was nervous to say the least. His second son only spend time in the library. He's book smart, but he doesn't know if he's also people smart.

"Well then, good luck" Aidan nodded, confidently walking onto the balcony. He took a look at his clan and smiled brightly

"HeLlOw" his voice cracked. his eyes widened, and he slowly started walking backwards

"Aidan, what are you doing?" Satan whispered to him. Aidan didn't say a word, he just kept walking backwards. "Aidan come back here!"


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