Chapter 50: What kind of animal is she?

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Anisa pov:

"Anisa where are you going?" Aidan asked me as I left the table.

"I have control over my powers right now, so I'm getting my protection pets" I said.

"Be careful" Jacob said.

"It's just the garden jacob" I giggled. Now that I know how to use my powers, I'm gonna show pugsley and bruiser that I'm worthy of being their queen. 

Last night was weird to say the least. I mean I had sex with aki, I lost my virginity to him. Does this mean I love him? I love them? My feelings are a mess right now. I just don't know what to feel. They kidnapped me, tortured me. But they're not doing that anymore. They're kind, and helpful, they're caring. Kissing aki felt so right, having sex with him felt right. Being in the guys their embrace feels right. Am I really falling in love with them? Ugh my life is a mess right now, just so much is happening. I need a break from all of this. Running in the garden, I ran towards the pond.

"Otto! Otto are you here?!" I yelled out for my otter. Seeing movement in the water, I sat on the grass. Otto popped his head from out of the water, smiling at me. Yes, an otter that is smiling. Never thought that was possible either.

"My queen! What brings you here today?" Otto asked me excitedly, as he jumped around me

"Bring me to bruiser and pugsley, I can prove myself" Otto didn't waste any time grabbing my pants and pulling me with him. We walked for a bit, before seeing the tree again

"Bruiser! Pugsley!" Otto called out to them. Bruiser was the first one to appear, pugsley standing behind him. "Do your thing my queen" Otto said sitting next to bruiser. Using the water that was in a little puddle, I used my waterbending, ice and snow on it. Pricking my finger, I used my bloodbending.

"She really is our leader!" Pugsley cheered. He ran towards me, and started licking my face happily. "Bruiser, it's really her!"

"I don't know. She could be faking it" Bruiser said. Is this raccoon for real!? I literally showed him all my powers and this mothefucking trash dog doesn't believe me.

"Oh bruiser, always so negative" An unfamiliar voice said. Looking up I saw a snow owl staring at us. Did that thing just talk?

"Hedwig? Is that really you?" Pugsley asked the owl. She flew down, standing next to pugsley.

"I sure am. It's been a while"

"You mean centuries! Why didn't you come visit us? Better yet, why did you leave?" Otto asked her. I just sat on the ground watching the animals. I have a huge feeling that owl is also my protection pet.

"I'm a bird, I want freedom. and lyla was driving me nuts" Hedwig said. Who is lyla? Is she also a protection pet?

"IIIIIII, The crew is getting back together" Pugsley cheered while jumping around

"How rude of me, I didn't introduce myself. I'm hedwig, protection pet of the water clan leader, who I'm consuming is you" Hedwig said to me, holding out her wing. Taking her wing, I gently shook it

"Nice to meet you hedwig. I'm anisa, the water clan leader"

"It's good to have you back" Hedwig smiled. Yes the owl smiled! I didn't even know these animals could smile. Like a dog okay, but an owl!? Crazy world.

"So hedwig, since you've been out of this garden. Do you perhaps know where the other three are?" I asked her. I hope she knows, this way I can find them easier.

"Well, i've recently talked with icy and snow. I haven't seen Lyla in over 200 years" hedwig said. Okay how old are they? Normally when their clan leader die, they die with them cause they're connected. The pets can only die if we die, but the previous leader died. So how are they alive? I'll ask the guys later, I need my pets now.

"Well where are icy and snow?" I asked her

"Icy is in the air clan, close to the griffin domain. Snow is in winter" Hedwig told me. Winter, so she's close to the castle. Good to know. Around the castle you can find the 4 seasons. Winter is winter all the time, and same with summer, spring, and autumn. So my pet was so close and I never noticed.

"You'll have to get icy first though. snow isn't gonna follow you without icy. They're like two peas in a pod" Bruiser told me, as he walked closer to me. I think he's warming up to me.

"I'll ask aki if I can go to the griffins territory." I told them. They all nodded. Looking at me pets, I couldn't help but smile brightly. I found 4 of the 7! I've made so much progress in the last couple of weeks. I got my powers, I met my clan, I made a new friend and now I found 4 pets! I was snapped out of my thought by a plash on my face.

What was that?

More drops fell on my face, and I soon realized it was raining. Really!? rain in hell!? why are you even surprised anisa? They have like all 4 seasons. More and more drops fell, and It looked like a storm was coming. 

"Let's go to the castle guys, a storm is coming" I told them. They all nodded as they tried to hide from the rain. Picking up pugsley, I ran towards the castle. My vision was clouded by the rain, my body shivering of the cold. I'm soaked. Using my power I tried to bend the water away from me, but there was a lot of water. I don't know how to control large bodies of water yet, just small ones.

"My lady!? My lady are you there!?" I could hear me maid yell for me. She was looking for me from the door while holding an umbrella above her. Waving my hand at her, She came running for me. "My lady, come inside quickly! Oh you must be freezing. Oh who are those? doesn't matter let's just get inside" She rambled as she pulled me inside. 

"Anisa you're soaked! You, go get some towels" Max ordered her when he saw me. Placing pugsley on the ground, I rubbed my arms for some warmth. I'm so cold right now. "Let's get you into some dry clothes" Max said. We both walked to the living room where the fireplace was burning brightly. I ran towards it, standing in front of it. Ah, nice and warm. My pets also followed me as they all sat in front of it as well. 

"What happened?" Max asked me, as he handed me a clean pair of clothes. 

"Well I went to find two of my protection pets, and instead I found three. So now I have four. And we were just talking but then it started raining, which I didn't even know that that was possible in hell. So I told my pets to come to the castle, so we all ran in the rain." I explained. Mind You I was getting dressed while saying all of this. I could tell that max was checking me out but I didn't care. I'm way to cold right now to even give a shit. 

"you're really tempting me right now anisa. I could just take you right here, right now" Max grinned at me, lust in his eyes. 

"Nah buddy, I'm way to cold for that shit" I waved him off.

"I could heat you up" He said in a husked voice. 

"Guys, i got towels" Damian yelled as he walked into the room. Thanks for being a cockblock damian, really needed it right now. The rest of the guys also walked in, jacob immediately walking towards me and pulling me into a hug. He started his power, and his hands were all nice and warm. he put his hands underneath my shirt, rubbing my back. This feels so nice. I could use this everyday. Feeling myself being picked up, I wrapped my legs around jacob's waist. He went to sit on a chair with me on his lap. 

"Can I have a towel damian?" I asked him. He nodded, and threw me one. Calling over pugsley, he ran towards me and jumped on my leg. Using the towel, I started drying him. Pugsley was shivering all the way here, he needs some extra snuggles right now. Jacob also started drying my hair, while I did pugsley. 

"I guess you 4 are anisa her protection pets?" Aidan asked them. They all nodded, not wanting to talk to them. 

"Btw aki, I have a question" I said

"What is it anisa?" 

"Apparently one of my protection pets are in the griffins domain. Could you get me permission to go there?" I asked him. 

"of course you can go there, I'll even come with you. What kind of pet is it? This way I can tell the griffins to keep an eye out for it" Aki asked me. Damn I don't even know. I didn't even bother asking hedwig.

"I don't know actually. Hedwig, what kind of animal is icy?" I asked her. She shook her wings for a bit, before flying on one of the chairs

"An ice dragon"

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