chapter 62: preparing for the party

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Jacob pov:

"AAAAH leave us alone you crazy bitch!"

"You almost stabbed me!"

"Anisa stop!"

"I don't wanna die yet!"

*sigh* how long is this gonna take? I have paperwork to do. But I do gotta say this is quit entertaining. the second my cousins entered the castle, anisa was ready to attack. She didn't even gave them a second to explain, she just swung her sword at them. she barricaded every exit with ice so they couldn't leave. Anisa saw red. Nathan was running around almost crying. And ethan was trying to melt the ice while dodging the attacks of anisa.

"Should we stop this?" Aki asked.

"Nah, this is fun to watch." Damian chuckled. He was even recording the whole thing.

"We should stop this before anybody gets hurt" Aidan sighed.

"They'll be fine. And besides, they shouldn't of gone behind anisa her back" Max said.

"Anisa please stop! we're sorry okay! We don't even like her, yeah we don't. haha, she's not even my type. Like who would think she's pretty" Nathan awkwardly chuckled

"So you think my friend is ugly!?" Anisa screeched. Now he fucked up.

"No I didn't mean it! I actually really like her but hoped you would stop attacking me if I told you I thought she was ugly!" Nathan cried out.

"So you like my friend!?"

"This is a lose lose for us!" ethan yelled desperately. "Dear cousins, please help us!" he yelled holding his hands up for us.

"Well I have paperwork to do" I said. my brothers also left, leaving my cousins down there to die.


Anisa pov:

"So what did we learn today?"

"N-not to go behind your back" Ethan and nathan whimpered in fear. petting their heads, I send them away. They ran like their life depended on it. fucking pricks. I told them, I so told them not to go to sophie. And what do they do? Go to fucking sophie.

I don't want Sophie to be stuck in this mess. I don't want her to go through the same shit I went through. And if she's a demon then the earth is done for. She would take revenge on everybody that wronged her. Heck she would even kill everybody she doesn't even like. If she becomes a demon a war could break out. And I'm not in the mood to fix her problems. I have a responsibility right now. And I'm not gonna be responsible for the shit my friend would do.

So sorry Ethan and Nathan if I'm being a cockblock. I couldn't give two shits.

"Anisa! I need help" Tommy whined as he ran towards me. He stopped for a minute to look at all the ice around him, but he just shook his head and walked over to me.

"With What Tommy?" I asked him, putting my sword away.

"I don't know as what I should dress up at for the Halloween party" he groaned in annoyance.

"Have you thought of any ideas yet?" I asked him while melting all the ice. why did I make so much ice again? 

"Well I wanted to match with big brothers but they didn't want matching costumes. So now I don't know what to do" he pouted. Poor boy. I wanted to go matching as well, but those fuckers!

"Well is there anything you would like to go dressed as?"

"Well a pirate sounds fun. But I also really like mario. I just don't know what to do"

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