chapter 74: the end

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Anisa pov;

I still can't believe this is happening right now. To think I lived a normal life before this. If somebody would've told me I would become queen of hell, and marry 5 demon princess I would've laughed in their face. It would've been a fantasy of mine, but that's it. A fantasy, not reality. 

cause how could this be reality? Vampires, mermaids, dragons, all these things, all real. This is something for the books or movies. not reality. me being able to control the element water?! That was something I pretended to have while reenacted avatar. now I still can't phantom the idea that I made those spikes of ice come out of the ground and kill some elves. 

Shit my arm hurts. Theodore got a good hit, and sliced it. looking all around me I sighed seeing so many of our friends, loyal people, innocent people, dead. This could've been avoided I feel like. something, just something I could've done to prevent this. all these lives taken for nothing

The things I saw will haunt me for life. So much blood, so many bodyparts scattered everywhere. I don't think I could ever get the smell of death out of my nose. How the guys are so fine with this is baffling to me. But hey, they grew up here and probably saw way worse things then this. They probably did way worse stuff. 

"Anisa!" Quickly turning around I was tackled to the ground. In a hug. Tommy was holding me tightly while I was trying to breathe. "Come on, the party is about to start!" He giggled before running off. Sitting up, i ran a finger through my hair

yeah we won the war. Not the way I wanted to win. It took 4 days for it to end. 4 Long days. Wars take longer in the human world, but hey we're magical creatures. We kill each other off quicker. Looking all around me, A tear ran down my cheek seeing all the pictures of my dead clan members. After the war we designed 6 rooms in the castle. The rooms were covered in pictures of our fallen soldiers. I've been here all day now. Looking at the same picture over and over again

"I'm so sorry" I cried, hugging my knees. "I'm so sorry hunter" 

"Anisa, are you in here?" Looking up, I saw Damian standing in the doorway through my blurry vision. "Oh Anisa" He said, sitting behind me, pulling me into a hug

"It's my fault he's dead. He should've been alive. Troy is all alone now" I cried in his embrace. During the 4th day we were nearing victory. I kept the werewolfs at the castle, cause the angels did more surprise attacks so we needed them there. When the angels finally surrendered, I turned my back to walk to Jacob when I heard somebody yell for me. 


"the angels surrendered! we won!" Cheering was all around me. It's over, the war is finally over! Wiping the blood off of my face I turned my back to walk to Jacob. My big smile turned down when I turned around

"Anisa!" Looking behind me I screamed in horror. Hunter was in front of me, with a blade all the way through his chest. He fell to the ground, with an awful thud. 

"No no no no no! why did you it!?" I yelled at him, looking at how to fix the wound. Looking at the blade I cried harder. It was covered in poison, I can't heal him without an antidote. And we don't have any right now. We'll never get one of time. 

"H-hell needs a l-leader" He said, clearly struggling.

"The werewolfs need an alpha! You can't leave them, you can't leave troy, you can't leave me. God fuck, why didn't you stay at the castle!" I scolded him.

"I-I knew they had a t-trick up their sleeve" he laughed

"That's my strategy" I laughed while crying. "Hunter hold on, I'll get Aidan, maybe he can heal you" I tried to stand up, but hunter took my hand stopping me

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