chapter 56: angels!?

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Anisa pov:


"The angels are here" jason shivered. Sending Perseus back to his clan, I ran towards the throne room. What are the angels doing here? And why did they come unannounced? Is it because I stole the werewolf? Fuck it probably is! I'm in so much trouble now.

Running through the hallway, I was about to reach the throne room but I was suddenly pulled into another room.

"sebastian let me go" I said, trying to pull his arm away.

"my lady, you can't go in" He whispered to me

"Why not?" I asked

"The princes told me to send you to the human world." He told me, dragging me again to another room

"But the angels are probably here because of me. I have to help them" I said, trying to stop him.

"The angels don't know you exist my lady. we have to make sure it stays that way" He quickly explained. Running into a supply closet, a portal stood ready for me. "Now go, quickly"

Going through the portal, I rubbed my arms for some warmth. I hate portals! Why is it always so cold in them? Should be a crime. Finally out of the portal, I turned around to see that I'm on school property. Why did they send me to school? out of all places school?

Like I'm not gonna learn shit.


"Sophie!" I cheered running up to her.

"What are you doing here?" She asked me

"Girl, the angels are in hell. And it's probably because of me" I whispered to her.

"For real!? Girl spill the tea" She smirked snapping her fingers. Telling her everything about me taking the werewolf, her smirk only grew wider.

"So anisa..."

"No sophie, I'm not gonna fuck a werewolf. And not IN werewolf form!" I scolded her.

"Buzzkill" She muttered with a scowl. "But anyway I have some tea to spill" She told me. leaning against a pillar, I just listened to the drama. Apparently the rumors of me being a slut have increased. All because I flew in with all the guys. Oh yeah, I"m also a monster. Well technically I am so they're not wrong.

"So I really wanted to BAM BAM BAM!" She yelled, slamming her fist into her hand. "but no she just-"

"Sophie shhht" I shushed her. What was that sound? it sounded like somebody flying at full speed.

"Did you just shush me!?" she yelled in disbelieve

"shhhht!" I shushed her again, slamming my hand over her mouth. "Sophie run!" I yelled. pushing her away, I was slammed into a wall, on the other side of the school might I say.

"Fuck" I groaned, slowly standing back up.

"Well well well, what have we here? a human that can survive a kick like that, you must be something else" an unfamiliar voice chuckled. Looking up I saw a blond guy with bright white wings. It's to bright, it's hurting my eyes

"who the hell are you?" I asked him, dusting off my pants.

"I'm offended that you don't know. Well I'm star of course, angel of light" he bowed, clearly showing off his ugly wings. "And you are?"

"Well I'm none of your business. Pleasure meeting you" I bowed back.

"Ha, funny. Let's see if you think this is funny" he chuckled. A ball of light shot towards me at full speed. ducking to the right, I barely missed it.

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