chapter 5: I have to do what? (Edit)

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Anisa pov:

Monday arrived and that meant presentation time, I'm so exited...not. Aki ended up spending the night instead of going home. We both fell asleep while watching our 3 movie of the night, my ultimate favorite Peter Pan. My mom found it way to late to send him home. Luckily he had a spare pear of joggings in his car, he didn't have an extra shirt, and seeing that it's just mom and me (no shirt that could fit him), he just slept topless. Not that I care cause DAMN THEM ABS!!

He offered to sleep on the couch but knowing my couch I just said we're both sleeping in my bed. If he were to sleep on my couch he would have back pains for a week if not more. I didn't care if he slept in the same bed as me, my bed is big enough and it's not like I found it weird. I mean why do people make it so weird if a girl and boy sleep in the same bed, even if they're friends. It's just ridiculous.

I started walking to the spot me and my friend always go to. I'm always 20 minutes earlier than my friends so I have time for some wattpad. Thinking back at what Aki said Saturday I started feeling sad. I mean his stepmom sounds like a bitch. Who does that to someone, just because they want to see a flipping disney movie, getting a fucking beating for that. My sadness turned into anger real fast. gripping my phone tighter I feel someone sitting on the same bench as me.

"Hey bitch, how was project night with Aki?" looking up I see Sophie staring at me with a smirk. Girl if you don't take that smirk off right now!!

"you're acting as if we hooked up" I rolled my eyes, focusing back on my phone.

"But did it happen though?" she asked curiously, wiggling her eyebrow

"No of course not! we just watched some disney movies."

"And nothing else happened?"

"Well he may or may not have spend the night" I mumbled.

"What was the last part I couldn't hear you"... bitch

"He spend the night." I mumbled again.

"Girl speak the fuck up I can't understand you!"

"He spend the night okay!"


absolute silence

"HE SPEND THE NIGHT!!!!" all around me people started staring at us. I started feeling anxious so I covered Sophie's mouth.

'Can you like shut up!" I whisper yelled as I removed my hand.

"Bitch the audacity of touching me, no I can't" she said dramatically. "Any who I thought he just stayed to finish the project, not actually stay over"

I explain everything that happened to sophie from the moment he entered my house to him leaving next morning. The second I said Aki didn't have a shirt I saw Sophie's smile growing bigger and bigger.

"Girl I know you're gonna hate me for this question buuuut, how were his abs. Cause I've seen the muscles on his brothers is it the same in him?" she asked me excitedly. oh this girl.

We both stared at each other in complete silence.


"AAAAAAAh!" she said while she fake fainted. I just started laughing. short after that the bell rang which meant English, which also meant presentation.

Walking to our class room I saw Aki ad his brothers already there. Aki looks like he's dying while he's looking at his cheat sheet. Oh poor guy he's nervous.

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