chapter 38: i'm an y/n (edit)

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Anisa pov:

"I'm getting my power today?" I asked in shock. I thought they wanted to wait until they trusted me more?

"yup, are you exited!" Aki asked me, a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Why though? I thought you guys didn't trust me enough yet"

"Well we didn't, but seeing you drink the blood without a fuss made us realize you aren't trying to leave" Damian said.

"And all the clans are asking what your power is, so why not make this wedding more exiting then it already is" Max grinned. I didn't like that grin. Is the ritual gonna hurt like all the others? Cause I'm not in the mood for anymore pain.

"Is it gonna hurt?" I asked them. They didn't say a word, they just stared. Fuck me sideways with a chainsaw. It IS gonna hurt! "please tell me it isn't gonna hurt, I don't want anymore pain"

"We don't know if it will hurt, we were born with a power" Aidan said.

"So I have to do a ritual that could possible hurt!"

"Pain will make you strong" Jacob sighed.

"Fuck you jacob! I've been in more pain in these last couple of weeks then in my entire life! I don't wanna be in constant pain!" I yelled as tears started streaming down my face. Can't these guys see that I'm in constant pain!? Pain of being kidnapped by them, pain of knowing I'm never seeing my friends and family again, pain of those constant fucking rituals they do on me, pain of them punishing me. I'm sick and tired of it!

"Anisa stop making a scene" max sneered.

"F-fuck you!" I sobbed

"My queen, are you alright?" and unfamiliar voice asked me. Looking up I saw a guy walking up to me. I could tell he was an elf by his ears. Shaking my head no, he looked at me with sorry in his eyes.

"She's a bit afraid. She's getting her power today and she thinks it's gonna hurt" Aidan said, as he ran his fingers through my hair. Ugh he's acting like the caring boyfriend for this elf, when in reality he doesn't care if i'm hurt.

"Humans, so afraid of pain. But I have something that could help" The man smiled at me. He then handed me a small potion bottle with a strange pink liquid in it.

"W-what is this?" I asked him, wiping way my tears.

"a potion for stress. It will calm you down" He said with a smile. Taking off the cork, I first took a whiff. it smelled really good, like strawberry's. But not like those chemical strawberry smell, it smelled like fresh strawberry's. Downing it in one go, I was delighted by the taste. It tasted really good, and I could feel my stress slowly fading away.

"Thank you" I said to the elf.

"I'm only doing my duty. Our queen can't be sad or afraid. I'm beren, king of the elf's" he bowed. King of the elf's? Aidan's clan.

"Well then, we should get anisa ready for the ritual" Aidan said as he gently pulled me up. "Thanks beren for the potion" beren just bowed as he walked back to his seat. Until now all the clan rulers I met are really nice.

Aidan walked with me as the rest of the guys stayed behind. They already started announcing that I was doing another ritual. Aidan brought me to a room where  some clothes were already laying for me. There were some black leather boots, black pants and a black tight shirt. Well, anything better then this fucking corset right now. Aidan didn't look away while I changed, he just kept looking me up and down. When I was finally dressed he brought me to another room.

"In this room is a portal where you have to go through. It will bring you to an area where you can find your power" he explained

"How will I know what my power is?" I asked him.

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