chapter 41: we're allowing you to...

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Anisa pov:

"Aki!" I yelled as I ran through the castle. I tried to find the guys everywhere, but I couldn't find them. I even asked the servants but they didn't know as well.

"Aidan! ax! damian! jacob!" I yelled. Running into the living room, I saw a white bundle of hair that belonged to aki. Running behind him I jumped him.

"AAAAH! wtf anisa!" Aki yelled as he flinched.

"I found three of my protection pets!" I yelled, hugging him close. He looked at me in shock before hugging me back. He picked me up, twirling me around.

"omg anisa that's amazing"  he smiled brightly. seeing the position we were in, I quickly squirmed out of his embrace. I can't forget what they did, I won't forgive them this easily. Aki's smile dropped a bit, but I could tell he was still happy that I voluntarily hugged him.

"And what are they?" I heard a voice behind me. Turning around I saw all the guys sitting on the couch. Where they here before? Oh well.

"You'll never guess!"

Aidan pov:

I was sitting on the couch in the living room cause Jacob called for all of us. Apparently anisa ran out of the training area crying cause she wanted to see her family. I want her to go see her family again, but I don't trust it yet. The angels are out there, they could get her. I don't wanna loose her. 

"Why couldn't you just say that their is a possibility that the angels could get her?" Damian asked.

"She didn't let me explain" Jacob sighed, leaning back into the couch. 

"Well what should we do-AAAAAAh, wtf anisa!" Aki yelled as anisa jumped him from behind. She hugged him tight shocking all of us. S-she's willingly hugging us?

"I found three of my protection pets!" She yelled in happiness. Aki returned the hug, twirling her around the room. A smile plastered on all our faces seeing anisa back to her original self. Finally, I don't know how much longer I could've handled it. 

My relief quickly ended, when she squirmed out of aki his embrace. Oh come on! I guess it was still to early.

"And what are they?" Max asked, still smiling at her.

"you'll never guess! It's the otter you guys saw in the garden a couple of months back" She squealed in happiness. 

"I was right! I knew something was off about that otter" Damian said, with a proud smirk.

"Yeah! His name is otto, and he came to me today. And then he started talking, and I didn't know who it was. And then I looked down and he was talking to me. And I was so happy, and-" Anisa started rambling, that beautiful smile not leaving her face. I wish she would smile like that every day.

"And who are the other two?" I asked her, stopping her from rambling.

"huh? OH! it's a raccoon and a pug! Their names are bruiser and pugsley, only they don't see me as their master cause I can't control my powers yet. So you guys need to help me train!" She said determined. She really want those pets huh?

"Let's train tomorrow. You've done enough training for today" Jacob said. She nodded, while grabbing the remote. She jumped on the couch, while turning on a film. she just sat there in between me and aki, not even flinching away when we moved closer. 

I think the reason she's not flinching away Is cause she's so happy she found three pets. I'm scared that if that happiness is over she's going back to her hostile self again.

"I like anisa like this." Aki said through our mind link

"Same, she's back to her old self" Damian said

"I don't want her to go back to her hostile self. What could we do to stop it?" I asked in desperation. 

"Be nicer?" aki asked

"I'm always nice!" Max his voice boomed through the link. Fuck that is gonna give me a headache.

"nicer then! just, look at how happy she is right now. I don't want it to end. If we act nicer to her she could accept us faster" Aki said. 

"I think the thing she would appreciate more is if we would let her go see her friends and family" jacob said. 

"What!? but what about the angels?!" Aki asked.

"We'll go with her. " jacob said

"Anisa wouldn't like that" damian sighed

"She has no choice. And I think she doesn't mind as long as she can see her friends and family" Jacob said.

"It's a good plan, let's do that' I responded



"I guess"

"Sooooooo, who's gonna tell her?"

"Anisa" damian said. Anisa turned her head towards him, a confused look on her face. "Me and my brothers have been thinking"


"And we think it's time we allow you to go see your friends and family" Damian said.

"Are you guys for real!?" She yelled in happiness, almost jumping onto my lap. Damian just nodded, and anisa ran to him to hug him. 

"Thank you, thank you, thank you!" She yelled as she hugged damian tight

"On one condition" Jacob quickly said. "We have to come with you"

"Sure! I don't care! I can finally see my friends and family again!" She cheered as she ran out of the living room.  She's probably going to otto. 

"Let's allow her more thing" Damian said with a huge smile. Still blushing from the hug. We all laughed, as he held his cheeks in his hand.

I'd like that idea little brother

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