Chapter 54: betrayal

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Anisa pov:

Holy shit! I just got a new clan. I'm getting a new clan! The guys are gonna kill me, BUT I HAVE A NEW CLAN! And who said I wasn't a good leader!? I can't believe that just happened. I gotta tell the guys! They must be proud of me!

Flying inside of the castle I looked for them everywhere but I couldn't find them. Where are they? Asking the maids they told me they were in the greenhouse. Why are they there? Did Aidan make a new potion? It didn't matter though, all I wanna do is tell the guys

Running to the greenhouse I was just about to open it when I heard weird sounds coming from inside. What the hell? Putting my ear against the glass door I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Moaning and kissing sounds. What the hell!? Please tell me they are watching a movie on a tv that randomly got into the greenhouse.

Opening the door I quietly walked in. I know that aidans work space is all the way in the back, so I guess the sounds are coming from there. Walking towards it I braced myself for what I was about to see. Taking a deep breath I came from my hiding spot. Tears sprung my eyes seeing the scene in front of me.

All of them were making out with a girl. And not just any girl. They were the 5 daughters of the leaders of the mermaids. Aquata was even naked on top of Damian. She was kissing him while grinding on his lap. Damian rubbed his sides, one hand was even holding her nasty scaly boob. The site made me sick. I thought they loved me. I-I thought I loved them. How could they do this to me!? After everything...

Clenching my fist I could feel my blood starting to boil. How could they do this to me!? I've been their obedient little pet, and they just screw other girls behind my back!? And not just any girls, but also the girls I don't even fucking like?! I'm gonna kill them, but first those girls

Using my bloodbending I made the fishsticks scream in pain. The screaming made the guys flinch.

"What the hell!?" Aki yelled as he pushed the girl off of him. All the guys did the same, but it didn't stop me from hurting the girls. They are just acting like this cause I caught them in the act.

"A-anisa? This isn't what it looks like" Aidan said as he walked towards me. Shooting ice at him, I made his feet stuck to the ground.

"Oh really? Cause to me it seems like you were planning on fucking other girls behind my back! Even on the day I confessed my love to you guys. I was even gonna tell you guys something that I knew would make you proud" I said trying to hold in my tears. My lip was trembling but I kept it in.

"Anisa Please" Damian pleaded, but I refused to listen.

"You guys are assholes, ASSHOLES! To think I ever loved you guys! Wasn't I obedient enough? Did you want more slutty like them? Did I act in a way you guys didn't like? Why, WHY would you do this to me? I-I trusted you guys! I trusted you!" I now turned to the fishsticks in front of me.

"My queen Please. They put themselves on us, we didn't want this" aquata pleaded with tears in her eyes. Fake tears I tell you.

"Yeah! They invited us over, and then threatened to kill us if we didn't Please them" the other file-o-fish said. Letting them go of my quirk I took a deep breath.

"Go before I do something I regret" I said rubbing my face. Hearing quick footsteps I knew they left. I wasn't in the mood for an angry king and queen to come after me for hurting their daughters. Even though they are filthy sluts!

"Anisa Please let us explain. What they said isn't true" Jacob said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. Taking his hand I froze it. He pulled back his hand in pain, quickly melting the ice.

"I don't wanna hear it. You guys are dead to me" I spat at them. Feeling a tear run down my cheek I ran towards my room.

How could they do this to me? I did everything they asked, wasn't it enough? Was I not enough for them? Was it because I waited so long to confess my feelings? Or was it because i only had sex with Aki and didn't want to do it with them yet? Should I have been more slutty? They seem to fall for those girls. Am I to fat? Those girls were really skinny and pretty. I guess I'm not pretty enough for them. To think I've ever believed their words. A bunch of lies!

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