chapter 48: hot & cold

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anisa pov:

"yeah, and he was so shy. But he's actually a really nice guy"

"Girl, go get that dick"

"Sophie, he's gay"

"why are all the nice guys gay?" Sophie groaned. "I wish I was there with you. Earth is so boring" 

The guys gave me a laptop as a present for the success of the party. The first thing I did was Skype mom. She was crying her eyes out, happy to see me again. I told her everything that happened, and she just told me to be safe. After her I Skyped my friend sophie. She was still super jealous that I lived in hell, and that I was a demon. This girl reads to much wattpad.

"Anyway, how is scho-"

"Anisa! I wanna cuddle!" Aki yelled through my room. 

"Aki I'm face timing with sophie, I'll cuddle in a minute" I told him, focusing back on sophie. Just when I was about to talk, did I felt somebody sit behind me on the ground. Aki then wrapped his arms around my waist, while laying his head on my shoulder

"Hey sophie" Aki said to her

"Hey aki"

"Aki can you please go?" I asked him again. I'm really starting to get annoyed. That one hour I have in total peace they ruin. Aki grinned, shaking his head no. "MAX! CAN YOU PLEASE GET AKI!?" I yelled for him. My room is right next to his, so he's able to hear me. If I yell loud enough that is

"Aki stop annoying anisa" Max scolded him, as he walked into my room.

"But max! I just wanna cuddle, her hour is almost over anyway" Aki pouted. Does he really think pouting is gonna work?

"Well if that's the case. DAMIAN! JACOB! AIDAN!" Max yelled. Is he for fucking real?

"why are you yelling?" Damian asked annoyed. 

"Chill moment in anisa her room" Max said, jumping on my bed.

"No, no chill moment. Get out!" I yelled at them, but none of them listened. Their goes my hour of peace. *Sniff* sad life. Looking back at sophie, she had the biggest grin on her face. She then mouthed 'go get the dick', and I swear if I could just pull her through the fucking screen!

"Fine, if you guys wanna stay then stay. But if you do, please be a bit more quiet, I wanna be able to hear sophie" I asked them. They just nodded, doing their own thing. I'm glad they at least listen.

I continued talking with sophie, aki chiming in every once in a while. sophie stopped the call after calling for almost 2 hours, she still had to study. Me and aki just watched some youtube videos, still sitting on the floor. 

"My lady, do you want anything to drink?" My maid asked me. Thinking for a bit I nodded.

"I want a hazelnut macchiato and some oreo's. Guys do you want anything?" I asked them. They all said no, so I send my maid away. I didn't take long for her to arrive. thanking her, I turned back to my laptop.

"mmm" I moaned taking a sip. Best coffee ever. Taking an oreo, I dipped it in my coffee. Best combo ever. "Want a sip?" I asked aki. I could feel him nodding on my shoulder, So I lifted the cup to him. I shared my coffee and oreo's with aki while we both watched daz black. 


Me and aki were still watching youtube, all snuggled up together. I snuggled extra close to aki cause for some reason my room is really chilly, even though the fire is on, and uhm we are in fucking hell maybe. It was getting colder and colder by the minute, making me even more confused. Why is it so cold in here. 

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