chapter 33: I was following orders! (edit)

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Anisa pov:

"Ugh I'm so bored!" I groaned.

I've been in this stupid library all day, reading stupid books! Wow, never thought I would say that. Anyway, I've tried to search that goddamn book on the water clan, but I can't find it anywhere. I even asked Po, Bartholomew and Toulouse to help me, but they also couldn't find it. we've been searching for more then a week. I've searched this entire library 5 times already, but still no sign. And jacob told me to read it pffff, IT'S NOT EVEN HERE! Like did he hid it to fuck with me?

That motherfucker would!

"We could play outside" Toulouse offered, laying his head on my lap.

"I'm not aloud, remember?" He groaned, letting himself fall from the couch dramatically. See! even the pets want me to go outside! I hate going outside, but I'm craving the feeling of grass. Sounds weird but I don't care. Just the feeling of the soft grass between my toes. And oh that heavenly smell when they just cut it! I want that!

Wait, does hell even have grass? Not like I would know, CAUSE I CAN'T GO OUTSIDE!

"This is ridiculous! I'm gonna ask master, and he better agree, or else!" Po said, storming his fluffy butt to the door.

"Or what? You gonna be mad against Aki? You're to much of a wuss for that" Toulouse chuckled, jumping back on the couch. Po glared at him, stomping over to him.

"That's master aki for you!"

"He's not my master, aidan is" Am I really watching a fight between two talking animals right now? I am. I'm watching a talking panda verbally fight with a talking fox... what has my life come to?

"Can you two stop please? I can't go outside, end of story" I said, letting myself fall backwards on the couch. I was just about to close my eyes, when I heard the door open. I wanted to jump out of my skin, cause incoming was a fucking black bear. And it was huge!

"Ah Shadow, nice of you to join us" Po said, jumping around the bear. The bear chuckled, petting Po on the head.

"He doesn't talk a lot" Toulouse whispered to me. Shadow walked up to me, and bowed.

"My queen, master has requested for you to meet him in the garden" He said, still bowing. Am I suppose to tell him to stand up or something? I'm not really into this royal shit. But wait, I can go outside!?

"I'm aloud to go outside?" I asked the bear. He nodded, still bowing. "I uhm, you can stand up?" He didn't waist a second standing up, now sitting in front of me.

"He would like you to join him now"

"Wait a minute. This morning they told me I couldn't go outside cause neither one of them had time, how come they have time now?" they again didn't have time for me today so it's weird that they all of a sudden have time. Like this is suspicious, I also don't know this bear. And it freaks me out that he barely says anything, like talk goddamn! What if this is a trick, a trick to get me outside, to test if I listen? But I could also be punished if I don't listen, so this is a loose loose situation... I'm willing to take that risk? 

"Lead the way"

I tried to memorize the way to the garden, but I gave up after two hallways. We took so many turns, and they all look the same! How am I ever gonna learn the way in here? Finally stopping at two huge doors, I could already feel a small breeze of wind hitting my face. It felt amazing. Shadow opened the door, the other two pets following him.

Walking outside, I looked in awe. It was beautiful. You had to take these little steps down, and then you walked into grass immediately. All the grass was the same length, and felt super soft under my feet. Trees were everywhere, even apple trees. All these types of flowers were in neatly shaped places, not one flower was misplaced. There was a small gazebo, that was covered in these blood red flowers. In the distant I could see a maze, a pond, and a lot of trees almost like a forest. Birds were chirping, and butterflies were everywhere. It was amazing.

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