chapter 58: cousins?

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Anisa pov:


"Wanna fuck?" Damian grinned at me. All the guys were in his room, all grinning at me. Are they serious? They really wanna have sex? all 5 of them!? Nah, I can't handle that. Definitely not max. I won't be able to walk for a week!

"A-are you serious?" I asked in shock. They all nodded, damian patting the space next to him on the bed. Should I? I mean I love all of them, but to have sex with them all at once, I don't know if I'm ready for that. I was taking aback seeing the bed getting closer. It was like my body had a mind of his own. Sitting down on the bed, I nervously fumbled with my fingers. god this is awkward.

"Somebody is nervous" Max taunted. I mean how could I not be. I'm about to have sex with 5 guys at once. Aki was my first and he was super gentle. I don't know if the others are gonna be the same.

"be nice max. this is only her second time having sex" Aidan defended me. Yeah rub it in aidan. Rub it in that I'm inexperience.

"I should start first then. She knows how I do it" Aki proudly said. He walked closer to the bed but jacob pulled him back

"Let the others have a chance to aki." He scolded him.

"At least I'm gentle" Aki argued

"I think I should go first. Roughen her up a bit" Max grinned at me

"She won't be able to walk for a weak!" Aidan sneered at him

"I'm the oldest" Jacob shrugged

"I know the best ways on pleasuring a woman, so I should go first" Damian said, putting his arm around my shoulder

"she needs somebody gentle. Not somebody that will try every kink in the book with her. So I'll go first" Aidan said crossing his arms

are they really arguing on who gets to go first? Like is this really happening. All I could do was sit back and look at the guys arguing. What else could I do? I honestly don't want all 5 of them at the same time. I don't even want all 5 to be in the room then. they would just be staring me down making me even more uncomfortable.

But I am married to all 5 of them. And it may of not been consensual, but I've grown to love them. All of them. Call it Stockholm syndrome I don't care. But aren't we moving to fast? It's been a few weeks since I've told them I love them, and now they all want to be intimate all at the same time. and shouldn't they feel weird about it? I mean they are all brothers.

"Instead of arguing about who will go first, don't you keep in mind what I want?" I suddenly snapped. They all just care for what they want. But what do I want?

"Well you're okay with anybody right? I mean you love us all" Jacob said.

"That doesn't mean I wanna fuck you already. I was already nervous with aki, let alone doing it with somebody as experience as damian. I'm sorry but I'm just not comfortable with that" I said keeping my gaze down. for some reason I feel like a complete bitch. Damians smile dropped a bit hearing that I didn't wanna fuck him. I must've hurt his feelings

"We understand. Sorry for not keeping your feelings about this in mind" Damian apologized, gently squeezing my hand. "So what would you like?"

"I-uhm, I... I don't know" I must sound so pathetic right now. I scolded them for not keeping me in mind, but then when they ask what I want I don't know. "I just feel like we're moving to fast. I told you guys I love you a couple of weeks ago, I haven't even kissed any of you properly yet"

"Well then" Damian started. He then gently grabbed my face, pulling it towards him. he kissed me so gently that I almost forgot that it was damian. I didn't know he could be so gentle. And the kiss was amazing, which wasn't a surprise. Damian is a pro after all. "now you have" Damian said, pulling away from the kiss.

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