Chapter 30: snake in the house (edit)

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Anisa pov:

Walking through the library, I tried to find books on well... hell. Aki may have showed me where they are, but I didn't pay attention. I just wanted his hands off of me. Walking up the stairs, I continued my search. Grabbing a book, I choked on my spit. It was a vampire erotica book, the fuck? Looking at the shelf, I bursted out laughing. The whole shelf was dedicated to sex books.

"Well don't mind if I do" I giggled, taking the vampire book with me. Setting the book down on the couch, I started the fire. It's fucking cold in here, I mean the room is huge. Reading the book, I couldn't help but laugh loudly at the amount of cringe in this book. It was like a Y/N story written by a man. Just the way the woman is written, I can't. this book ain't erotica, it's a comedy.

"P-P-Please d-d-d-daddy!" I mocked, laughing hysterically. Feels good to laugh, I've been so scared in here until now. I mean I'm still scared, but this library is my safe space right now.

"Call me master!" I lowered my tone, making it sound like a man. "Oh this book is gold" I wiped away a tear from laughing.

"I love looking into his golden orbs! hahaha!"

Aidan pov:

"Why is She laughing so fucking much? I don't think learning about our clans is that funny" max groaned, pacing back and forth. We placed a camera in the library to spy on anisa, we could only hear sounds cause we didn't want to invade on her privacy.... much. The only thing we could hear was anisa laughing. I'm happy she's laughing, but why?

"I can't take it anymore, turn on the camera!" Jacob barked at a servant. He turned the camera on, letting us see anisa on the couch reading a book. It wasn't one of our history books, it was a sex book. I can recognize that book out of a thousand, Damian hid it in my room constantly when I had potential queens over. The rumor of me being a sex addict spread across hell faster then Damian getting a hard on

"Oeh Aidan, she's reading your personal favorite" Damian mocked me, laughing hysterically.

"I will kill you" I sneered at him. He blew me a kiss, before looking back at anisa.

"We told her to read our history, not some sex book" Jacob muttered to himself. I'm still mad at Jacob for burning anisa. Like I get it, she didn't obey one of our rules. But to immediately burn her leg, making her skin peel off is much. That was a good second de-fucking-gree burn! If it wasn't for me healing her wound, she would be in pain for a week. She's not strong enough to heal herself yet.

"Let her have fun for now, she's laughing isn't she. She's not scared at the moment, this could help her grow accustomed to the palace" I said, getting a glare from max and Jacob. They are both very, and I mean very passionate about their clans. For years they were fighting over the throne. Me, Aki and Damian couldn't really care, I would still be king of my clan and that only mattered to me.

Even now that we are gonna share the throne, doesn't stop them fighting. It's annoying to say the least. Like take a fucking chill pill, or some nightshade, I could personally grow it for them if they want.

"The library is gonna be a place she will hide to, how is she gonna learn how to be a queen then?" Jacob sneered at me.

"Let her have a safe space. It's better for her to have one, then none at all. And she's surrounded by fucking books Jacob! She'll read the history books eventually. she's been here for one day, this is all new to her."

"She needs to read them now!" Max yelled at me, throwing a glass at me. Growing a vine, I used it to slap the glass away from me. fucking prick.

"She just woke up! Let her be, or do you want her to hate us more then now? Anisa is super interested in this kinda stuff, she will soon read the books" Damian defended me.

"Fine! but tomorrow she will learn about the clans" Jacob sneered, walking out of the room. Fucking prick, gosh he annoys me. I'm surrounded by idiots. 

"Toulouse" I called out to my protection pet. A little fox came jumping out of a portal.

"Master" He bowed to me. Petting his head, he jumped on my lap. Toulouse is my spy, and a good one that is. "What can I do for you master?"

"Go to the library. Your future queen is there, get to know her" Anisa loves animals, so I want to introduce her to my pets one at a time. I've noticed that she feels more comfortable with talking to our pets then to us. By sending my pets to her I can find out things about her that she wouldn't say to us. and I don't have the 'cutest' pets so the say. Anisa will faint if she sees viperion, that's why I send toulouse. Toulouse transported to the library, right next to anisa. It startled her, but soon squealed, loving my fox.

"I'm gonna send po" Aki said, calling out for his panda. This huge fluffy panda appeared, tackling aki into a hug. Aki his pets are real cuddle bears, while mine are more chill. Damians pets are hyper, jacobs are stern, and max his pets all have anger issues. Just like their owner. I don't want anisa to see my pets all at the same time, just a pet a day. Looking back at anisa, I saw that she was already hugging po, squealing even harder. she's so cute

"I'm sending noodle!" Damian yelled, making me snap my head at him. No this guy is not doing that, is he?

"Damian don't!' But is was already to late. This motherfucker send a fucking python to a girl who's afraid of snakes. Anisa her screams boomed through the speakers, making max drop his glass cause he flinched. Anisa was screaming and crying, while running away from the snake. Noodle thought they were playing, and was happily chasing her. damian his pets are really dense.

"Fucking hell damian, get your snake!" I yelled at him, but he wasn't in the room. He already ran to the library. Aki and I followed him. Entering the library, it was complete chaos. Books were everywhere, toulouse and po were trying to catch noodle, and anisa was crying hysterically while sitting on top of a bookshelf. did she climb all the way up there?!

"Get away from me!" She screamed at the snake.

"I just wanna play!" Noodle whined, trying to slider up the book shelf. He then transported himself, so that he was sitting next to anisa on the bookshelf. She screamed again, falling from the shelf. Aki ran up to her, catching her mid air. She was sobbing his in embrace, hugging him tightly. Noodle tried to go to her again, but aki sprouted his wings flying in the air.

"Noodle!" Damian yelled, making the snake flinch. Noodle slivered over to him, and damian smacked him on the head. "When she tells you to go away, fucking listen!" damian sneered at him. He then demanded noodle left, and the snake didn't waste a second getting away. 

"Please tell me their aren't anymore snakes" Anisa sniffled, getting set down on the ground by aki.

"Sorry anisa, I have one as well" I gave a small smile. she groaned hiding her face in aki's shoulder again. Well this is gonna be fun

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