chapter 42: seeing my friends and family again (edited)

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Anisa pov:

"Come on! I wanna go!" I whined as I pulled on damian's arm. Today I can finally see my family and friends. The evening they told me they trained my powers a little bit. Making snow is the easiest right now. I fully controlled it withing 4 hours. Ice is a bit harder, but also pretty easy to control. Water is a bitch! Its so hard to control! I almost made a tsunami and didn't know how to stop it. And I don't wanna know how many times I soaked the guys. I haven't been able to bloodbend yet. I tried but it didn't work. This one is also the hardest to control cause you can loose control over it really quickly.

"Calm down anisa" Damian chuckled. They think this is funny but I wanna go already. I haven't seen my family and friends for months! I really miss them

"Come on!"

"Anisa we have a few rules first" Of course jacob said. Why do they always have to give me rules!? Am like super obedient! I'm not like those wattpad girls that try to escape every chance they get!I immediately came to the fact that there is no way in me leaving. And the guys are back to how I know them, so it isn't that bad...

am I developing Stockholm syndrome!?

fuck me sideways with a chainsaw

"So first rule is don't run away from us or try to escape" Okay noted.

"Can I tell them what happened to me? Like that I'm a demon and shit?" I asked them. They thought for a moment before aidan responded

"Sure, we'll just have to do a ritual then"

"You're not doing a ritual on my friends and family"

"It's a painless ritual anisa. It makes them forget about what happened to you and that you're a demon when they are talking to others. When they see you they remember, when you're not their they remember. But they'll forget when they're talking to others. Also when they film it, or take pictures it will automatically delete"

"that, that's smart" I said. They have rituals for everything don't they? "Are their other rules?"

"You must say that you're our wife, and that you love us" Aki said. I froze, I really have to say that? Fuck, I was planning on not to.

"Okay. can we leave now?" I asked shifting on my feet. I just wanna go already! The guys all laughed, nodding. "Okay then! make a portal guys" I said while turning my back towards them. Not seeing a portal in front of me, I slowly turned around.

"Why isn't there a portal?"

"Cause we're flying" Max said as he sprouted his wings. Shit! I don't know how to fly yet, I forgot to train. "You did learn how to fly, right? Cause we did tell you" Max asked slowly walking up to me. Gulping, I rubbed the back of my neck

"o-of course I learned. I'm hella fast as well. Like sonic could never hehe. I'm just... tired, yeah tired. Don't want your queen to faint while flying right hehehe. So carry me... please?"

"Come here" Max chuckled, crouching a bit on front of me. Jumping on his back we took off. the view was amazing up in the sky. I could see the entire demon city and the castle. The castle looks even bigger from here! I was able to look further into hell now, and it looked so cool. The red sky gave it a spooky feeling, but a fun feeling nonetheless. feeling the air getting colder, I turned to the front to see a blue sky instead of a red one.

"Are we in the human world already?" I yelled cause I didn't know if max could hear me.

"Yeah, we went through a portal" He yelled back. "And don't fucking yell in my ears!"


I hate to say it but the view in hell was ten times better then here in the human world. maybe I'm just used to the red sky already. I could now see the town where my school is. I thought we would go see my family first?

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