chapter 49: I need sleep

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anisa pov:

"You really don't know when to fucking stop do you!?" I yelled at lillith as I stormed into her room. She snapped her gaze at me, and she looked furious. She has no right to be angry. 

"How dare you barge into MY room!? and not only that, but you're almost naked! You trying to seduce my husband!?"

"Oh just stop you bitch! How dare you order MY maid to poison me!? And not just that, oh no. You threatened her with her daughters life!?" I yelled at her.

" She works for me! Not you! I can order her to do anything I want and you can't stop it. I am the queen!" She chuckled.

"She is MY maid. As long as she is MY maid, I will protect her! In return she serves ME! And I won't allow you to threaten her daughters life cause you are so power hungry that you are afraid of a demon that used to be a human!" 

"You know, I'm just gonna go" Satan said, clapping his hands together. He gave me a thumbs up before leaving the room. 

"What is even your problem with me?" I sighed. "You've hated me since day one of meeting me, and that was before I knew all of this shit"

"You're not right to be the queen, I am. You were just a mere human. and now you think cause you're the 'all mighty' water clan leader that you deserve this crown. But you don't" Lillith sneered at me.

"And you do? As far as I know, nobody likes you" I stated

"I don't need to be liked, my people should fear me"

"You really think that? You think that if your people fear you that they will serve you better? They are just gonna do things behind your back. They're not loyal to you, they only do things for you out of fear, not cause they want to serve you" I scoffed.

"You think you're so much better then me, do you? You don't even know what 'soul power' as that octopus likes to call it is. You know nothing about hell and how to serve it. I've been queen for centuries on end, that won't change so easily." Lillith barked, getting really close to me

"ha, I get it" I chuckled

"Get what?"

"You're just jealous. You're jealous cause you can't control the water clan. You're jealous that I have way more power then you. You're jealous cause my clans actually like me, well mermaids not included. And I know for a fact that you're jealous cause I have 5 man that ACTUALLY love me"

"Satan loves me!" She sneered

"Does he? Cause of all the stories I've heard, and the amount of pictures of Elisabeth in the castle. I would say she was his true love" I said rubbing it in.

"Elisabeth!? that bitch was weak! Died of a simple disease" She scoffed.

"Even if she was on the weak side, the people loved her. The kids loved her, even yours. And satan definitely loved her."

"Get. out. Get out you pathetic human!" She screamed at me, red smoke appearing in the room. Shrugging, I walked out of the room but not before giving her the finger. Stepping out of the room, I saw the guys looking shocked at me

"Are you stupid!? Do you have a dead wish!? She's gonna kill you!" Aki yelled at me. 


"No what you did was stupid! Badass, but stupid! I can't believe you've done this!" Aki interrupted me. He just rambled on on how stupid I am, he just wouldn't stop. The guys tried, but he just slapped them away. Finally having enough of his rambling, I grabbed his face and pulled him into kiss.

"You stupid gir-mmmmm" Breaking the kiss, aki was frozen in his spot. He looked at me wide eyed, while touching his lips. "you... why... but.... what!?" 

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