Chapter 4: This is your room? (Edit)

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Aki pov:

It was saterday which meant that I have to go to anisa to finish our project. Grabbing my bag I put my laptop and notebook in it. Should I bring something else? Nah I think she has the rest. Walking down the stairs I hear Damian talking in the living room. Shit, shit, shit he cannot hear me. Okay Aki just be quiet and everything will be okay


I fucking hate my life!

"Mozart? Is that you? What are you doing out of your cage?" Damian then walked out, to see me standing in a freeze position on the stairs. 

"Oh Aki it's you, why do you have your bag with you? Are you gonna see a lady?" He said while wiggling his eyebrow.

"That's none of your business Damian!" I sneered at him.

I start to speed walk to the door. Opening the door I felt Damian grab my arm. I slowly looked at his face seeing he's smirking at me.

"Don't forget to wear a condom little bro" he said while laughing. Slapping his arm away I walked to my car. Fucking perverted asshole.

Putting anisa's address in the gps I start I drive to her house. Her house is 30 minutes away from my house. Stopping at her address I'm kinda shocked. Her house is smaller than I suspected. Is this the right address? Only one way to find out.

Knocking on the door I hear a woman yelling on the other side of the door. That is not anisa, maybe her mom?

"Oh hey Aki, come on in" anisa said, with a smile. Gosh I missed that smile. Walking inside I see an older lady sitting on the couch, with a big smile.

"Hello, Im elke, anisa's mom"

"Hey, I'm Aki" I shook her hand. She seems nice, nicer then my step mom.

After we said our hellos anisa took me upstairs to her room for the project. I kinda felt weird being in a house so small. I'm not used to it, it's making me feel a bit claustrophobic. Damn I sound like one of those asshole rich kids.

Walking into her room I stopped and stood in awe. Looking around her room I was amazed. Her room is like a paradise! A small paradise but still!

Her room was everything I've ever wished for. Everywhere you looked there were funko pops, anime stuff, Harry Potter stuff and the best DISNEY.

She had a king size bed that took majority of the space in the room. In the far corner she had a bookshelf full of books and funko pops. Next to her bed she had two shelf's full of anime merch. she had a big bookshelf that took up most of her wall. it was filled with Harry Potter and Disney stuff, and her walls were full of photos of her family and friends. She even had a Harry Potter cloak hanging on her wall!! I need to ask what her house is, I hope huffelpuff. And everywhere you looked there were led lights.

I think she noticed me staring cause she started giggling. I can't help the staring I'm jealous of her room!

"It's a lot isn't it" she said while laughing "my friend reacts the same way, you can have a closer look if you want" well don't mind if I do.

Looking around her room I can't help but look at every single thing she owns. I wish I had all this stuff. But stepmom wouldn't allow me.

"Hey Aki, can you leave my room for a bit? I want to show you something" she said. Raising my eyebrows in confusion, I did what she asked.

Stepping out of her room she closed the door behind me. Well this is awkward. Looking around in the small hallway I see that all the doors are closed. Probably for privacy reasons. Looking at her door I'm amazed as well. Her door was filled with Harry Potter photos! I WANT HER DAMN ROOM.

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