chapter 66: getting a new crown

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Anisa pov:

a couple of weeks have past since jacob uhm...take the pool...yeah. A lot has happened though in those few weeks. I got closer to my clans, I became stronger in my fighting and using my powers. Like I can bloodbend a person for 30 min now. yeah let's just say the testing dummies weren't so happy with me being able to do that. some quit. 

Satan organized a poker night, and I was forced to come. yeah that wasn't fun at all. all old rich guys, gambling their fortune, and smoking like crazy. I couldn't get the smell out of my hair for 4 days! But because I'm the future queen, and wife of the princes I had to come. And it was really boring, I didn't understand one game! And it wasn't even strip poker. Like yeah they were old man, but sexy man, total dilf material. but alas, no naked body for me. 

But the biggest thing that has happened was with sophie. low and behold, she's dating Nathan and Ethan! I know right, crazy! Like I told them to leave Sophie alone, but no! Cause why would they listen to me? I actually found out cause I was visiting Sophie, and upon arriving at the cafe I saw her being all lovey dovey with them. Let's just say they got a good piece of my mind when they came back to hell. 


"Anisa stop!" Ethan screamed like a little bitch

"I told you guys to leave her alone, and now you're dating her!?" I yelled at them while shooting ice in their directions

"But it's love! you can't stop love!" Nathan argued

"tell that to pedophiles!" I yelled

"you're being unfair! we didn't stop you from dating our cousins!" Nathan yelled, melting the ice with his lava.

"I didn't even know you two then! so that's no excuse!" switching from ice to snow, I made a snow storm. they were both freezing while trying to keep themselves warm. "Sophie will not go through the same as I do. cause the only way she's getting into hell is if she dies. And I know she wants to die but not today satan!"

"what about me?" satan asked from above the stairs.

"nothing!" The three of us yelled at him. he looked confused before leaving, still staring at the scene that is happening in the hallway of his castle. 

"What sophie and we have is true love. you just have Stockholm syndrome!" Ethan yelled

"...excuse me?"

"Oh shit, you fucked up brother" Nathan said to him, taking slow steps back

"I'm gonna kill you two!"


yeah so that happened. not like they're wrong, I probably have Stockholm syndrome. 

"Hey babe, so exited for coronation?" damian said as he walked beside me, kissing me on the forehead. Oh yeah, our coronation is happening tomorrow. Satan finally got lillith convinced that they should give up their crown to us. The only thing annoying is that entire ceremony again. I swear if I have to cut anything on my body for blood imma kill somebody. Like I know I'm in hell, but stop with the blood people. 

"Kinda. damian, do we have to cut anything for blood again or?" I asked him

"No, why?"

"no reason" I shrugged. 

"You can take the girl out of the human world, but you can't take the human world out of the girl" He chuckled, shaking his head. "Still so afraid of a little bit of blood?" He mocked me, while ruffling my hair

"No! It's just annoying to constantly cutting myself. Like it doesn't hurt like a bitch but it does sting for a bit. I'm just not in the mood for that" I shrugged

" You literally killed trespassers with no mercy, but you don't want to cut your palm with a knife that is not even as sharp as your sword?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Hey they felt the pain, I didn't. Now I have to feel it. totally different" I shrugged again. 

"What to do with you sometimes" He laughed, putting his arm over my shoulder. "but don't worry. It's just a couple of words, some weird chants,  crown, and then BAM king and queen"  

"Do we still need to do stuff for the coronation? Like is there anything special I need to be saying?" I asked him as we walked into the living room. 

"No, just you showing your pretty face, and designer dress you had fitted yesterday" He said, sitting down on the couch.

"that was not fun! She kept pricking me with the needles!" I said. I had a feeling she was doing it on purpose cause everytime she stabbed me a smirk appeared on her face.  I think she worked for lillith and lillith put her up to this

"Luckily the dress is done, so no more complaining" Aidan said, not looking up from his book. Sticking out my tongue to him, A vine appeared, grabbing my tongue. even if he's not looking he knows what I'm doing. It's almost borderline stalking.

"It's not like she didn't stab us as well" Aki said, chuckling as he sat next to me

"She did!?" that fucking bitch!

"nope, we had somebody else" Aki laughed. yeah yeah, laugh all you want. But I know in which bed I'm putting a nest of spiders. and it ain't mine. 

"By the way, how does the crown thing work. like I get mine, I'm just getting lillith's one, but what about you guys? Your dad only had one crown"

"Dad has 5 crown jewels in his crown. each one of us is getting one of them in our own custom crown. Dad's crown is then being put into the museum." okay so they get a costume crown and I don't!? so unfair. I'm getting lillith hand me down. Pulling Bruiser on my lap, I started petting him with a scowl

"If you want we can get you a costume crown as well, but it would just include the crown jewel from lillith her crown" Max rolled his eyes. Blowing him a kiss, I hugged Bruiser close to me. the raccoon struggling in my embrace. 

"Fuck we've been spoiling her to much" Jacob said as he walked into the living room

"Hey I'm not that bad! I never ask for anything! This is the one thing I want different. Who knows, lillith might got lice from that demon kid amy" I shrugged. the guys just started laughing, even though I was fucking serious!

me no want to get lice!

"I'll contact the guy then" Jacob sighed as he grabbed his phone

I'm getting a new crown! I'm getting a new crown! I'm getting a new crown! and it's gonna be a pretty one, prettier then lillith's one. me not get a licey one, just a really pretty one!

A/N hey guys long time no see. I've had a huge, but a huge writers block on this story. So sorry for this chapter, I know it's not that good, just kinda a filler chapter. I've actually been thinking about discontinuing this story but I was like this is my first story ever on here so I don't wanna give up on it! But do not expect a lot more chapters. I'm kinda gonna rush it a bit to get it over with cause inspiration for this is kinda gone😅. Either way, thanks for sticking to this story!

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