Chapter 3: My place? (edit)

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Anisa pov:

Finally, schools over. Our last period was math, and let me tell you I suck at that. Working with numbers is one thing, but why at those damn letters! Like whats the point? Not like I'm gonna use it.

Walking to the bus stop I feel my phone vibrate. Looking I see that it's my mum.


mum♥: Are you already on your bus?

me:Mum school just ended, I'll text you when I'm on the bus

mum♥: 👍


Staring at my phone I started laughing. After all these years she still doesn't know when my school ends. Standing at the buss stop I look how long I still have to wait. 20 minutes!! Gosh I hate waiting. Oh well I'll just read some Wattpad.

While I was reading I saw that I got a text message. 


Aki: Hey Anisa, I just wanted to say thank you for helping me and my brothers during lunch. I didn't really got the time to thank you for it.

Me: Hey Aki, again it's totally fine, you don't have to thank me constantly😅

Aki: I know, but still 🤪

Me: hahaha, anywho how was the pizza?

Aki: It was really good, not as greasy as I'm used to. This was waaaaaaay better. I got a pizza with chicken.

Me: Stoooooooop you're making me hungryyyyyy 😫 I still have to wait 15 minutes until I can eat.

Aki: 15 Minutes? 15 minutes for what?

Me: the bus 😑

Aki: oh that sucks

Me: yeah I know so I'll have to wait longer to eat.

Aki: It had such a nice crispy crust.

Me: Aki

Aki: Ands super juicy chicken!

Me: Aki what are you doing?

Aki: Oh and the cheese, THE CHEESE 🤤

Me: You ass STOOOOP

Aki: and then I got a nice refreshing can of ice tea to was down the delicious...

Me: ass

Aki: Juicy!

Me: ah juicy ass ok.

Aki: 😐

Aki: the nice tomato sauce!

Me: Aki you're making me more hungry


Me: you think you're funny don't you 😑

Aki: hehehe I'm sorry, but hey this is making your wait better isn't it 😇

Me: NO, know I'm only gonna think about pizza, and when I'm home there isn't gonna be pizza 😫!!

Aki: Oh poor thing

Me: you little...

Me: oh my bus is here gotta go bye

Aki: Bye xxx

Aki pov:

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