Chapter 31: I want the old them back (edit)

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Anisa pov:

"Why was there a snake?" I muttered, still trembling. I really hate snakes, and that huge thing next to be makes me want to crawl in a hole and die. Just the scales touching me, makes me want to peel off my skin.

"Well that was noodle, damians protection pet" so that huge thing is one of damians fucking pets?!

"Like Toulouse and po?"

"Yes, like them. We wanted to show you our pets one at a time. You already met the cats and dogs, so now we wanted to show our other pets" Damian explained.

"And then Damian decides to be a dumbass, and send his fucking snake even though you are afraid of them" Aidan said, hitting Damian across the head.

"I'm sorry" Damian said, rubbing his head where he got hit.

"Why show me the pets?" Like are they doing this so I want to stay here? It's not like I can leave. I don't have a quirk, and I don't know how to fly. Like I have wings, I know how to make them appear and disappear, but I don't know how to fly. And I also don't know my way through hell, so I'll just get lost.

"Cause you are the future queen, so our pets will protect you. We just want you to get to know them" Aki explained, petting po.

"Do I get one?"

"If you would've read the history books you would know. Only leaders of an element have pets, 6 to be exact." Jacob sneered at me, walking into the library. Shit he's mad, please don't burn me again. Also what in the golden compass is this shit? It's confusing, but I don't dare to ask something right now. Jacob could burn my face off.

"Jacob back off" Aki sneered at him. Jacob growled at him, like legitimately growled at him. Demons can growl? Jacob's eyes turned completely black, making me hide behind Aidan. Jacob really scares me right now. Back in the human world he was the most calm out off everybody, now his personality completely shifted. I don't like it, I want the old Jacob back.

Or maybe he was just pretending, and this is the real him.

"If she would just do what's she's suppose to do, then I won't have to be all up her ass. But no, she decides to read an erotica book about those disgusting good for nothing blood suckers" Yellow sparks flew towards Jacob, making him jump back.

"Dare to talk about my clan like that, and we are gonna have a problem" Damian sneered at him, yellow sparks on his body. Oh yeah, damian can control electricity. So vampires are part of damian's clan, okay. Damn I should really read those books.

"tsk, your clan is weak" Jacob chuckled at damian. Damian was fuming, yellow sparks were covering  his body, making me hide behind aidan even more.

"Without my clan, you barely get any information on the enemy! Your clan is nothing without mine! So who's the weak one now!?" Jacob growled again, shooting fireballs at damian. They were both now fighting with their quirks. Fuck this is scary, I don't wanna see what they do on the battlefield.

Aidan and Aki left my side to stop the fight, I didn't even want to intervene. Feeling heat, I saw a fireball flying towards me. Blocking my face, I waited for the heat, but It never came. Peaking through my hands, I saw that I was covered in rocks. The rocks then went back into the floor, all the guys staring at me.

"I understand Anisa needs to learn about hell, heck she should've done it already. But to shoot a fucking fireball at her!? You want to kill her already!?" Max yelled through the library. When did he get here?

"Demons don't die that quickly" Jacob sighed.

"She doesn't have her power yet, so she's weak. Weak enough to be killed" Max hit jacob on the head. How much more can they rub it in that I'm weak, like goddamn.

"Tsk, I don't have time for this" Jacob sighed, walking out of the library. glad he's gone

"Don't think you're safe now he left? Read, now!" Max barked at me, making me flinch. Running towards the history books, I grabbed the first one I saw. Jumping on the couch, I started reading it. Seeing all the guys leave, I couldn't help but let the tears fall.

"I want the old them back" I sobbed, hugging my knees close. The guys scare me right now. I used to feel safe with them, but I don't anymore. They always defended me, and comforted me when I was sad. Now they purposelessly hurt me. Do they not care anymore? Why did they change? Or did they even change?

Aidan and damian have been acting normal, up until now. They did scare me when I was still in my room, but now they were defending me against Jacob. But it could all be a facade, just so I trust them again. And it still freaks me out that I'm in hell, like I'm actually in hell! I know I used to joke about satan being my sugar daddy, but I didn't mean it... up until now. My mom must be so worried right now, If I could just text her so I can tell her I'm okay.

I should read those books now, or jacob is gonna actually kill me. 

'history of the 6 clan leaders'

"Nice title"

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