Chapter 59: we gotta go

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Anisa pov:

"I didn't know you guys had cousins" I said while putting my clothes back on.

"You would know if you-" max started but I interrupted him.

"Don't give me that max. I read your family tree but I didn't see Nathan and Ethan anywhere." I glared at him while throwing my bra at him in anger. He just grabbed it and pulled it over his eyes.

"Bzzzzz I'm a bee, and I like boobeeeeez!" He said squeezing one of my boobs. I tried to stay serious but I couldn't. I laughed loudly, slapping his hand away. For such a tough guy he really is immature sometimes.

"Damian can I wear one of you shirts. I'm not in the mood for jeans" I asked him with puppy eyes. he nodded, throwing me one. Pulling it over my head, I held it close to my nose. his cologne smells so good.

Jacob carried me as we walked to the living room. I wonder where ethan and nathan live. They don't live in this castle I know that. But where than? and why aren't they in the family tree? This family is so mysterious sometimes. walking into the living room, nathan and ethan sat on the couch.


"Tommy? omg tommy!" Jumping off of jacob's back I ran towards the little guy. Pulling him into a hug I twirled us around, which was a bit hard to do cause my legs were still shaking like crazy. it's been months since I've last seen tommy, I missed him. I hope lillith didn't hurt him in those months.

"Anisa are you okay? you're shaking" Tommy asked me concerned as he checked out my legs.

"I'm fine, max just made me train extra hard today" I awkwardly laughed. Tommy's smiled dropped and he scowled

"Big brother max! You're such a meany sometimes! Anisa is already a kick ass fighter, you don't need to make her train harder then she already does!" Tommy scolded max. max looked at me with a 'fuck you' look. I just mouthed a sorry.

"Tommy, how have you been? I haven't seen you in the castle for months" I asked him, changing the subject.

"Oh, I stayed with cousin nathan and ethan. they also have a castle" Tommy said smiling again. "And now we're visiting again"

"So when they go back home, you'll go with them?" I asked him in disbelieve. he nodded, happily clapping his hands. I was beyond shocked. He hasn't been home in months? He just stayed with his cousins? did lillith have anything to do with it? I was about to ask but aidan gently pushed me to the couch

"Lillith had nothing to do with it, we did" Aidan explained


"Lillith was getting more abusive with him. We asked dad if he could stay with us in the human world but he refused. We were desperate so we send him to nathan and ethan." max explained

"And he's amazing company" Ethan smiled ruffling tommy's hair.

"I'm sorry tommy" I apologized to him.

"It's okay anisa, I'm glad I got to see you again. Big brother didn't say he was married, and definitely not to you! I'm happy you're a demon now, and a badass one! can you show me the water clan?" tommy happily said.

Nodding I kept my head down. tommy was happily chatting along, and I did everything in my power not to cry. Tommy is such a sweet kid, I don't understand how lillith could treat him like that. he doesn't deserve any of the abuse lillith gives him. he does nothing wrong, he just wants to be accepted.

"tommy, why don't you go ask sebastion for some snacks. we got your favorite, cookies and cream pocky" aidan said. Tommy cheered, running out of the room. The second the door closed I started sobbing

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