chapter 17: going to disneyland (edit)

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anisa pov:

"I can't believe we're already leaving tomorrow" Aki squealed next to me. Literally the only thing Aki's talking about is disneyland, it's cute but it's getting annoying.

"I know Aki, you've told me that a 100 times already" I said with a smile. Walking towards history Aki continued to tell me what he's going in first, what he's gonna eat, souvenirs etc. Finally arriving we take our seats, aki still talking.

"Aki i think you've said enough about disney for today." Jacob said from behind me. Aki just gave him a glare but luckily stopped.

"thank you, I thought I was going crazy" I said while leaning back on my chair.

"No problem, you could've just told him to stop"

"I know, but he just looked so happy talking about it so" I said with a shrug.

"Okay class, so world war 2"


"Okay Anisa, so we're gonna pick you up at 5 am" I just groaned. Ugh waking up early! Why does the universe hate me so much?! Like did I do something wrong? Is it because I'm simping over so many fictional characters? Is it because I'm dirty minded as fuck? Why, tell me why!

"What are you thinking about sweet cheeks?" Snapping out of my daze I feel Damian's arm around my shoulder.

"Just thinking about why the universe hates me, you know deep shit like that" I said with a sigh.

"Why are you even thinking about useless things like that?" Max chuckled, ruffling my hair.

"Because Max, I have to wake up early as fuck. Like what did I do to deserve that?!" I said dramatically.

"Stop being so dramatic" He said while flicking my forehead. "You can sleep in the car, you're being way to dramatic" he said while flicking my forehead AGAIN.

"Stop flicking my forehead you ass, that shit hurts" I said while rubbing the spot on my face. Stepping inside of their car we started driving towards my house.

"Well guys see you tonight" I said while closing the door.

"Bye Anisa" Aki yelled while waving frantically out of the window. Walking inside I said hi to mom and quickly grabbing some food.

"Hey mom, I'm already going upstairs okay, I have to wake up early" I said while taking a bite out of my microwave pasta.

"Okay sweetie, have fun in disneyland" Giving her a kiss on the cheeks I walk upstairs. Jumping on bed I quickly finish my food so I can go to sleep.


I can't fucking sleep, I'm to exited. Oh well let's watch some tik toks.


nerd alert🤓: Anisa why are you still awake?

Me: how the hell do you know I'm still awake? are you stalking me?

knock off bakugou💥: ... are you serious right now?

Me: yes

nerd alert🤓: Anisa you tagged us in a shit tone of tik toks.

me: ...

me: I knew that

knock off bakugou💥: sure you did

me:🖕🏻anywho I can't sleep I'm to exited

best boy❤️: SAME!!!!

ariel🧜🏼‍♀️: Really guys, you are texting each other instead of sleeping?

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