Chapter 43: why is she so obedient?

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Aidan pov:

Anisa woke up as soon as we reached hell. I thought the poppy powder would work a bit longer but oh well. The second we arrived at the castle she sprinted for her room in tears. Aki tried to open the door but she wouldn't let us in.

"Come on aki, let's go see if Jacob and max got Damian to calm down." I sighed, placing a hand on aki's shoulder.

"But anisa-"

"Give her some time. Today didn't went how she imagined it" I said, guiding aki away from her door. Turning around something brown flashed before my eyes. It went towards anisa her room. Quickly turning back I saw that otter. I think Otto was his name, but I'm not sure. He went straight through the door probably to comfort anisa. At least she has someone.

Walking downstairs I could hear Damian yelling. A loud bang boomed through the castle, as I quickly opened the door. The whole living room was thrashed as Damian kept shooting lightning bolds at everything he could see. Max and Jacob were both covered in max his rocks, protecting them from Damian.

"Well he didn't calm down" aki deadpanned. Pinching the bridge of my nose, I sighed. This is gonna be a bitch to clean. Good thing we're in hell so we have servants for it.

"Damian calm the fuck down!" I yelled at him, wrapping him in Thorns. He winced when the thorns pricked him, but he was still furious.

"I want that aunt dead!" He yelled.

"We're not gonna kill anisa her family.. without her permission that is" I stated. Damian just kept yelling at me, trying to get the thorns off of him.

"That bitch called her a slut!"

"I know! But you freaking out like that isn't gonna warm her family up to us" max said as he made the rocks disappear.

"Like I care! We live in hell anyway!" Damian barked at max

"She did use her bloodbending in the end" aki said. Jacob, max and Damian looked in shock. They weren't there when it happened.

"She did!?" Jacob asked, his mouth hanging open in shock.

"Yeah, she yelled at her aunt when you guys left. Her aunt was turning purple when I stopped her, she was indeed blood bending her. She's crying in her room because of it" I sighed. Damian froze when he heard that anisa was crying. Fuck is he gonna freak out again? But he didn't do anything, his body just relaxed a bit so I removed the thorns.

"I'm gonna go see her" Damian said as he tried to walk away, but I stopped him.

"Let her be alone for a moment, her protection pet is with her" I said. Damian glared at me, but he just yanked his arm away from me.

"This is a mess" max sighed. "This was not how she imagined it to be like" he said with a sad expression.

"She was so exited as well, and her aunt ruined everything" Jacob added.

"Should we pla-" aki was interrupted by the door opening. Turning around anisa walked in. She had tear stains all over her cheeks, she had bags under her eyes, and she looked anything but happy.

"H-hey anisa" Damian Saïd rubbing the back of his neck. "I'm sorry for ruining your family visit" he said with a sad sigh. Anisa just walked up to him, pulling him into a hug. Damian froze for a bit, but soon held her close.

"I-it's okay. That's just how my aunt is" she sniffled. Damian held her tightly as anisa's body shook.

"Are you cold?" Damian asked her. She gave a little nod. Damian then took of his sweater, pulling it over anisa's body. "It might smell like fireworks a bit" Damian snickered.

"I don't mind" anisa whispered, hugging Damian again. I hate seeing anisa like this, she was so happy this morning. And it was ruined in a second. I wish I could do something to cheer her up.

"Let's get some rest okay?" Max said as he ruffled her hair. She nodded again, keeping her gaze down. Damian then picked her up, as he walked out of the living room. Damian brought her to his room as we all followed him. Walking in damian immediately went to his bed.

Damians room looks the same as anisa her room but then yellow. And of course a few things that show who Damian is. Like I know in the far closet he has a stash of pornography magazines. He wanted to keep them for nostalgia, seeing that we have the internet now.

The second anisa hit the bed, she crawled underneath the blankets. Damian layed next to her, and she snuggled close to Damian. Holding his shirt close to her nose. It didn't take long for anisa to fall asleep as we watched her.

"We should do something fun tomorrow" aki said as he stroked her hair.

"Like what?" Max asked sitting on an armchair.

"Maybe a movie night? For old time sake" Jacob suggested. I nodded as I watched anisa sleeping. She's being so close to us right now. Like yesterday she wouldn't even think of hugging us. And today she listened to our rules. But she obeyed us from the beginning, I wonder why? Most people would try to escape 20 times already. But she hasn't, not once.

"What you thinking about Aidan?" Damian asked me.

"About how anisa obeyed us from the beginning. She never disobeyed us or tried to leave. I wonder why?"

"Now that you mention it, I have been noticing that as well." Max said. "It was almost creepy how obedient she was, or well is"


"Who the hell could that be?" Damian whispered. "Come in!"

Maya, damians maid then walked in. Her body shaking in fear. "Maya, didn't I tell you not to disturb me?" Damian sneered at her.

"I-I'm sorry My lord. I-Its just that..."

"Get to the point already, can't you see I'm busy?" Damian asked pointing at a sleeping anisa.

"Y-Yes, I'm sorry. Your p-parents are back"

"What!?" Max yelled. I shushed him as anisa was stirring in her sleep, but she luckily didn't wake up. "Why weren't we informed sooner?"

"W-we didn't know of their arrival, I-I'm sorry" maya bowed. Damian send her off as we were all fuming in anger. They're back way to soon, anisa hasn't fully controlled her powers yet. She hasn't even seen her clans yet. Our plans could get ruined right now.

"What are we gonna do!?" Aki asked in a panic, pacing back and forth. "This is gonna ruin everything!"

"JACOB? AIDAN? DAMIAN? MAX? AKI? WHERE ARE YOU?" We all froze when we heard our dad call for us. Fuck!

"Damian hide ani-" I couldn't finish my sentence when the door slammed open. Dad and Lilith both came walking in, their gaze immediately falling onto anisa who was surprisingly still sleeping.

"What's the meaning of this? Why is she here?" Lilith asked in rage.

"We married her"


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