Chapter 23: double homicide (edit)

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Jacob pov:

A month has passed since we killed that bitch. We could tell that anisa was figuring out that we were the killers. She's a smart girl I'll tell you that, but luckily she stopped thinking that after nothing happened for a month. Which sucked cause we wanted to wait a week to kill Julia but we had to let things settle down.

That was not the only thing that happens this month. Aki figured out that we all wanted her as a queen. Aaaaaaand yeah that did not end well


"YOU WANT WHAT!?" Aki yelled jumping up from his seat.

"Aki calm down" Max tried to calm him down, but Aki wasn't having it.

"Calm down? CALM DOWN!? I picked her first! Me, not you!" He yelled. I was already expecting this response, Aki is really territorial over his things. But like extremely territorial. He almost started a war against Damian cause Damian kissed aki's ex her hand.

"Everybody agreed that I could have her! So why change now?!" Aki yelled while throwing a glass on the floor. We all just stayed quiet.


"We like her too Okay, what do you want us to say. After we got to know her more we saw her as a queen as well!" Damian said frustrated.

"Why is it Always that when I want something, and I can get it, you guys steal it from me!" At this point Aki was at the Brink of tears. Gosh I wish this wasn't true, but it is.

"Aki that's not true" aidan said annoyed. Are you sure about that?

Aki just started laughing like a psycho. "Oh that's rich coming from you, mommy's little boy. You got EVERYTHING! The first girl I had interest in, YOU STOLE! All those days I was gonna have with dad alone, YOU STOLE! You even stole all my moms time from me! MY MOM! You spend way more time with my mom then me! She's my mom!" At this point Aki was crying.

"And now just this one thing I wanted, to proof I'm worthy you want to steal again. I finally feel loved and you want to steal that one thing that's giving me that?!" He sniffed, rubbing his face.

"And you got everything. Lillith love, one of the most powerful clans. You're even up for the throne! And what do I have, NOTHING!" Aki just sobbed while we all let it sink in what he told us. We never knew it was so severe. Gosh I'm the worst brother ever. And I'm the oldest I should take care of my younger brother!

"How sad this all may be I'm not giving up on her" Damian said annoyed. This made Aki glare at him. "You can stop glaring you little shit, trying to have a pity party well it's not working with me! And the rest of you can stop as well. We all know you guys aren't gonna stop, so drop the act!" Well there goes my cover.

"You're right" I sighed. Aki glared at me, clenching his fist so hard that his knuckles turned white.

"We all want her, but only one can have her. So what do we do? fight it out?" Max asked ready to fight for her. This made Aki and Damian yell at him.

"I'm not gonna fight for her! I got her first!" Aki yelled at max. "And why do you care for her all of a sudden? You hated her before but ever since Disneyland you're all lovey Duffy with her!"

"I don't need to give you a reason as to why I like her you little shit. All you need to know is that I want her as a queen" max sneered at max.

"That's fucking bullshit max!" Damian now started yelling as well.  They were just going back and forth, and it was really started to annoy me. All this for a girl. But for a girl that is basically perfect in my eyes. How are we gonna fix this? How are we gonna come to an agreement on who can have her?

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