Chapter 27: you can talk? (Edit)

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Anisa pov:

My head hurts. My legs hurt, my arms hurt. Everything hurts!

What even happened? I know the guys did this weird ritual on me, but what did it do? Am I possessed now!?

I could hear people talking, but I couldn't make out he words. I tried to open my eyes, but they feel really heavy. I know I'm laying on a bed, and a comfortable one that is. I also felt feathers on the bed. Why are their feathers on the bed? Did they kill a chicken? is that another part of the ritual?

"guys she's awake" I could clearly make out, because it was really close to my ear. I then felt somebody sit next to me, grabbing my hand. Warm hand. Trying to open my eyes again, my vision was very blurry. I saw 5 figures, but I couldn't make out who they were. It's probably the guys.

"Lila, water!" I heard max yell.I know it's max, cause nobody else can yell like that, not that I know of. Not a minute later I felt a glass on my lips, and somebody holding my head up a bit.

"Drink" somebody softly said. I think it's aidan but I'm not sure. My mouth was really dry, so I chugged the whole glass. "good girl" The person then said. My head was then softly layed back on the pillow

My vision started getting clearer, making me able to see the people in the room. And I was right, it's the guys. Trying to sit up, I felt a sharp pain in my back. Looking back I saw wings sprouted out of my back, the feathers on the wings were pitch black.

I have wings

I-I have wings?



"WHY DO I HAVE FUCKING WINGS!!" I yelled, trying to get them of me. I was pulling and scratching at the wings, making the pain in my back worse. Please tell me these are fake

"Anise calm down" Aidan said, pulling my hands back.

"How do you expect to me to fucking calm down ,when I have two bloody wings sprouting out of my back!?" I yelled at him, slapping his hands away, only to get a glare in response.

"Stop being a whiny little bitch, and calm the fuck down!" He growled at me, making me shake in fear. Aidan never acted that way towards me, he's always calm and patient. This aidan is scary.

"G-get them off of me! please" I whimpered

"Just imagine that they are not there" Aidan sighed. Trying what he said, I could feel the wings disappear. It kinda tickles, but I don't like it. Looking at the back of my shirt, I saw two large holes where my wings were before. What did they do to me?

"where am I" I asked, crawling back until my back hit the headboard. My body couldn't stop shaking from fear.

"In your room of course (photo above)" Aki smiled brightly, making me cringe. The smile was almost psychotic.

"This is NOT my room! I-I don't even know this room, are we still in your house?" The room was in this castle like style, It didn't match their home. Almost everything was in this deep blue color, and the room was the size of my house.

"Well yeah we are in our home, just not in the human world" Damian snickered. I am so confused, what do they mean with human world? Are we in another dimension or something? I must of looked confused, cause the guys started laughing at me.

"Don't you remember? We are demons, so you're in hell"

Hell? I'm in hell! How did I get here!? did I die!? Did they kill me?

"S-so I'm dead?"

"Well yeah and no. You're a demon like us, but you also alive but also dead. It's complicated." Aki tried to explain. No I can't be dead! mom, I can't leave my mom.

"Why did you do this to me? I can't leave my mom like that! I'm all she has!" Tears started streaming down my face, making the guys jump in action. They tried to hug me but I slapped them away.

"Don't touch me! j-just let me go home" I cried.

"Sorry babe, can't do that. You are ours, and we won't let you leave" Jacob grinned. Pulling my knees to my chest I started sobbing.

"Now that the whole 'you're a demon and you're ours' crap is done, let's settle some rules" Jacob said, sitting down on the bed. I have to following rules here? why is that even a surprise. 

"First of all you won't hit us in any way. You may have hit us now, but we'll let that slide for now. Do that again and you will be punished! Also don't yell at us" Jacob said

"Rule number two. You do everything we say. dare to disobey, and you'll never see your family again" Aidan continued.

"Rule number three. You can't leave so don't even try. If we hear that you tried to run, we'll take all you privileges away." Max said.

"Rule number four. always stay withing the castle grounds. You are aloud to go outside when you're with one of us. Walk behind the border, and you're never aloud to go outside again" Damian said, now sitting beside me.

"And lastly, If we want to kiss you, we will kiss you. If we want to touch you, we will touch you." Aki said, rubbing my thigh. I wanted to slap away his hand, but i didn't.

I'm not dumb, they want me to react so they can punish me. But I'm not giving them the satisfaction. Glaring at Aki, he just smiled back. He grabbed my face giving me a quick kiss on the lips. I really wanted to turn my head, but then I'm breaking a rule. Better to keep my priviliges now that I still have them.

"Good girl" He said licking his lips. I want to puke! Why did my life turn into a wattpad story!?

" *sigh* we will leave you be now. If you're hungry just ask one of the maids." Jacob sighed, standing up. They all then left the room, leaving me alone.

I want to go home.

Laying down on the bed, I started sobbing again. This can't be happening. why is this happening? This shouldn't even be possible. Only in movies and books this should be okay, not in real life! Still laying down, I hear the door slam open making me jump up.

5 Animals came running in, jumping on the bed almost making me fall over. 3 dogs and 2 cats were not sitting in front of me on the bed. I recognized them, they are the guys their pets.

"H-hey guys" I said while petting them. They didn't do anything, they are just innocent animals. 

"Hey anisa"

"Hey cooper (max dog)"



"AAAAAAAH, DID YOU JUST TALK!?" I yelled getting away from the animals. nah first demons and now talking animals. come on this must be a dream, this can't be real.

"Well duh" Jewel (aidans cat) said, licking her paw.

"How!?" I yelled in confusion and fear.

"That's just how we're born" Bumper (Jacobs dog) said, licking my face. Pushing him away, I pulled my knees back to my chest.

"Why didn't you talk in the human world?" god that feels weird saying that, human world.

"We weren't aloud" celestia (Aki cat) said, crawling towards my chest, snuggling in it. "But we are happy you're here!" She squealed.

"Want to play a game! Come on! ... Come on!LET'S GO!" Mozart (damian's dog) yelled while having the zoomies. He was running back and forth in the room, sometimes jumping on the bed.

"So let me get this straight. My 5 best friends kidnapped to hell, turned me into a demon. I'm not aloud to leave, and animals can talk"

"Yes" they all said in unison.

"What has my live become to ?" I sighed, falling back into the bed.

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