chapter 32: stupid books (edit)

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Anisa pov:

Reading the history book, I couldn't help but read faster to get more information. It's really fascinating what's in this book. It talked about all the different clans, and clan leaders, aka the guys. It also talked about the position of every clan, and what their purpose is. It was interested to say the least.

The only thing that annoyed me was that their were pages ripped out of this book. I tried finding them in the history section, but alas, still couldn't find them. 

"Where the hell are they?" I mumbled to myself as I looked through the bookshelfs.

"Where is what?" A voice above me said. Jumping back, I saw a tiny black bat hanging upside down, staring at me. omg he's adorable.

"These pages... Who are you?" Is this one of the protection pets? I wonder by who, a bat seems more a max pet.

"I'm Bartholomew, master damian's pet" He gave a little upside down bow. Omg he's adorable. And that name, so old but cute.

"Well hello Bartholomew, I'm anisa" I gave a bow back. 

"Did one of the guys send you?" I asked him, holding out my hand. He let himself drop onto my hand, Snuggling into it. I'm gonna die of cuteness.

"No, I just like to hang out here. Barely anybody comes here, so it's nice and quiet.What were you looking for?" he asked me, letting out a yawn.

"Oh I'm reading the history books, but some pages are missing. I was just searching for them" I showed him the book.

"I know where they are" 

"Really!? Where are they?" I asked the little bat. He pointed his head towards the window, making me freeze.

"O-outside? I'm not aloud to go outside" I said, afraid of being punished by even thinking about it. I know what jacob can do as a punishment, but I do not wanna find out what the rest can do.

"If you want the pages, you gotta go outside" He simply said.

"I'll think about it" Aka not gonna happen. i'll just ask the guys if I can go outside, I'm not doing it behind their back. They would kill me.


"My queen, lunch is ready" One of the servants said walking in. 

"You don't have to call me queen, call me Anisa please" I said to her, making her look at me wide eyed.

"My queen, I could never" I was about to say something, but she walked away. Shaking in fear. Why was she so scared. Looking behind me I saw Bartholomew, twice his size, flying above me. Holy shit! He just grew in fucking size. Stumbling backwards, I fell on my butt

"Don't be afraid my queen, that servant was being rude!" rude where? She was nowhere near rude, she was just scared. does this bat really think she was being rude? 

"She wasn't being rude"

"Yes she was! but it's okay, you don't see our ways yet. Come on my queen, it's lunch time" This fucking bat is 10x more annoying when he grew size. Also how the heck did he change size!? Following him through the hallways, I didn't really have the time to look around. This motherfucker was flying really fast. Finally arriving at a door, I couldn't help but pant. I'm really out of shape. Two servants opened the door for me, letting me enter.

Walking in, I looked in awe. It was a big room, with a long table in the middle. Two huge chandeliers were hanging from the ceiling, little candles on it. A big fireplace was on the right side of the room, and the floor was mostly covered by a big red and black carpet. The color scheme was mostly red and black again, like most rooms here.

"Ah there you are" A voice snapped me from my daze. Aidan walked up to me, gently pushing me to a chair. He placed me on a chair, in between aki and max. A lot of food was laying on the table, I don't even know how we are gonna finish all of this. We had a huge variate of soups, bread, sandwiches, fried snacks, and many more stuff. I don't even know what to pick... hehe who am I kidding, nuggets for the win. I wanted to grab some, but max was already putting food on my plate. Luckily he put a lot of nuggets on it. Giving a soft thanks, i started munching on the nuggets. Fuck I didn't realize I was this hungry, I could eat a cow right now.

"So anisa, read the books?" Jacob asked me, basically glaring at me. Nodding, he had a proud look on his face.

"I-I learned a lot from it, it was really interesting... I do have a question" I debated on saying the last part, but I really want to know what's on the pages. I mean, it's not like they're gonna be mad. They wanted me to read the books. their fault for having incomplete books.

"And that is?" 

"I was reading this book, and their were pages missing. And Bartholomew said he knows where the pages are, but they are outside. I was wondering if I could go outside, maybe after lunch?" 

"No" Jacob simply said

"w-what? why not?" 

"We don't have time after lunch, and remember that one rule?"

"Not going outside without one of you guys" I sighed in defeat. Max petted my head, and I really wanted to push his hand away. But I would be punished if I did. Another one of those fucking rules.

"Good girl" Max praised me.

"What pages were missing?" Aidan asked me. 

"From the book 'history of the 6 clan leaders', I think the pages of the last leader are missing. I only counted 5." I explained, fumbling with me fingers. Aidan just hummed, continuing eating.

"Who was the last leader?" I asked after a minute of silence.

"The water clan leader, she died many centuries ago. ever since her dead, their hasn't been another leader. Nobody got her powers. the water clans keep to themselves, they don't involve with us, not until they have a new leader. It's a shame, they are very powerfull" Jacob explained, surprisingly calm.

"And what about the clans? What kind of mythical creatures are they?"

"You should read the book" Jacob grinned at me.

"But the pages are missing" I stated. How am I suppose to read it when the pages aren't even there.

"That sounds like a you problem" jacob shrugged. What a dick

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