Chapter 22: murderers? (Edit)

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Anisa pov:

I had to go back to school today much to my dismay. I stayed home for 2 days but Mom said that I shouldn't let the rumor affect me. easier said then done mom! The guys decided to pick me up so I didn't have to go alone. Walking on school property we walked to class. People were still talking about me, just my luck. They were saying all these things like "hide your money people the golddigger is coming" or "watch out people don't be friends with her she just want your money" or or the classic one "I wonder how many times she had to suck their dicks to get some money from them" yeah I love high school. Upon arriving I see a lot of the girls from my class crying.

Walking to my friends we wait for our teacher. "Why are they crying?" I asked Sophie, she just shrugged, Mirthe also didn't know what happend. Our teacher came and opend the door, I immediately went to my seat. We waited for our lesson when I see our other homeroom teacher arrived. Why are they both here? They only meet up togheter if they want to announce something.

"Well class we have some bad news... senna was found dead last night" this made the girls cry even harder. Dead?! I just froze, I couldn't cry. I mean I could care less about this girl. she was a bitch, but she didn't deserve to die... eh?Who am I kidding. I'm happy I don't have to look at her face anymore but I do feel bad for her friend and family. Yeah I'm not gonna be that person that is like ' omg nobody deserves to die' nah not me sorry. After the shit she done to me in the two years I know her, she doesn't deserve my grief.

Looking at the guys they all had a neutral expression, I think I even saw aki smile at the news. but there was something about them. I got this dark aura off of them, like they had something to do with it. I mean is it that far fetched? Max Saïd yesterday they would take care of it, and now I see aki smiling at the news. I've read enough yandere fanfics to know some of the red flags, and I'm having one now. But I'm not to sure, for all I know am overthinking it.

"How did she die?" Giovanni aka smelly bear asked our homeroom teachers.

"She was brutally murdered by somebody. There were no fingerprints nothing on her so the police are still looking for the murderer" mss. V said almost crying. After that they dismissed us and let us go home because of the news.

Walking to the guys their car I started thinking about the whole situation again. It is weird that after they made up the rumor about me she died. It's all a bit suspicious. I was brought back from my daydreaming by damians complaining. "We went all the way here just to be send back home, what a drag" he said while groaning.

"But for real I could've just slept in" aki said while yawing.

"I do feel bad for her family" I said to them.

"Pff dont be, they raised the bitch, they got what they deserved for raising a kid like that" Jacob said while ruffling my hair. Okay what the hell! I've never seen them react this heartless before, they even felt bad when dumbledore died! WHEN DUMBLEDORE DIED! I got I bad feeling about all of this.

Entering their car we drove to their home. Entering their home I walk to the kitchen to grab a snack. Grabbing a bag of chips I walk to the living room. Entering the living room the guys immediately stopped talking and looked at me. IM GETTING SO MANY RED FLAGS!!

Okay anisa don't let it show, just act normal. If you act any different they will know and will react to it. We can't have that!! Sitting down I start to eat my chips. I see Aidan trying to grab a piece but I just smacked his hand away. "Ah What the hell! Why did you do that?!" He said while rubbing his hand.

"My chips, not yours!" I said while shoving a chip in my mouth. The rest of the guys just started laughing.

"I payed for them!"

"And you didn't eat them quickly enough, now they are mine!" This made the guys laugh even harder.

In these moments I question everything. How can guys like these kill a girl like that? They never did anything to hurt me, but I got so many red flags from them in one fucking day! I don't know anymore, I'm probably just over reacting. I mean there is no proof they did it, they aren't even suspects. I'm acting like a fucking detective over here. Yeah that's it, I mean come on anisa this isn't a wattpad story.

"Lets watch a movie!" Aki said while laying his head on my lap. We all agreed on watching 'the gods of Egypt'. Leaning down on the couch I feel Jacob quickly slip behind me, making me lay on him. Getting more comfortable I start to watch the movie while petting Aki head. The thoughts of them being a possible suspect quickly left my mind.

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